Small business support platform:

Large parts of our previous daily lives are at a standstill or severely impacted. Many small businesses have to close their doors. A large proportion of all companies in Switzerland are SMEs and employ two-thirds of the total working population. They need support now.

A group of private individuals has launched the platform. Donations can be made there for SMEs in need of support. (Image:

SMEs are the backbone of our economy. Where this crisis will lead in the long term is still uncertain. What can be done today: By donating to the SME you care about, we can strengthen the Swiss economy in the long run. Private individuals from different industries with divergent backgrounds have come together with the aim of bringing investors and financially distressed companies together to ease their time through the crisis. This idea gave rise to the platform

Platform with solidarity idea

You may now think that the federal government and the cantons are already doing enough to support SMEs? The loans received must be repaid sooner or later, which will not be possible for some small businesses. They therefore need support from elsewhere. We are now all called upon to assume our social responsibility and help where our support is currently urgently needed. On the one hand, SMEs that are in need of support can register at On the other hand, private individuals as well as legal entities can also register. On the other hand, private individuals as well as legal entities can provide direct financial support to their preferred company. All in the spirit of "Üsi Wirtschaft - üsi Schwiiz". Supported SMEs can express their appreciation for the donation received by issuing an individual thank-you gift according to their current possibilities. Possible forms would be, for example, a voucher for a haircut, a free lesson or a coffee - there are no limits to creativity.

Non-profit project

The goal of is to support small businesses in order to minimize financial bottlenecks and ensure their long-term existence. Behind this is a non-profit interest group, the private individuals behind the initiative work free of charge. For their part, they rely on sponsorships to cover the development and operating costs incurred. Any surpluses are paid out in full to the SMEs at the end of the project.

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