Corona crisis: Event agency goes new ways

When the core business simply collapses overnight, livelihoods are at stake. This is what is happening to a number of companies in the event industry. The ban on events caused by the Corona virus is hitting them hard. But not all of them are burying their heads in the sand and finding creative alternative solutions.

The Corona crisis is forcing event service agencies to explore new avenues: A Basel-based company is now offering its staff for alternative jobs. (Image: Petra Sarke / rmp eventservice GmbH)

Everywhere, as a result of the Corona crisis. Events canceled. This hits the event industry to the core. But necessity is the mother of invention. This is also what those responsible for the event agency rmp eventservice GmbH from Riehen thought and now rent out their strong hands to private individuals or companies. "We received the bad news of the event ban in the middle of a large concert set-up. So we didn't have the time to make long faces, I had to act. In a short time, the idea was born to offer our helping hands where they are urgently needed. Whether it's gardening, clearing out the basement, helping with shopping, running errands, household chores, setting up furniture or for a move," explains Managing Director Petra Sarke of rmp eventservice.

Tackling and talking out of the sewing box

"Our roadies, stagehands, booth builders, auxiliary technicians and catering assistants are ready to lend a hand wherever helping hands are needed. In addition, we can tell a story or two about stars and starlets," says Sarke. When do you ever have the opportunity to be supported by helping hands on the one hand and then to hear exclusive stories at first hand? This is only possible if one makes a virtue out of necessity and adapts to the current economic situation. Not entirely seriously, this is nevertheless a small added value for the customer, says the Managing Director.

Corona crisis goes to the existence

For Petra Sarke, it's not just a marketing idea. "We're fighting for our existence but we're not letting it get us down. "How long the Corona virus will still have us in its grip, I don't even want to estimate. Therefore it concerns to be able to use the free capacities meaningfully and to a local hourly rate or daily lump sum - book them our hand " As the rmp eventservice GmbH assures, the coworkers can be used in the whole Switzerland.

Source and further information: rmp eventservice GmbH

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