AI in communication: Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Nowadays, marketing is not only about understanding customers in order to reach them with individual messages, but also about being as efficient as possible in doing so. In this context, there is increasing talk of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation.

AI in communication: There is a lot of talk about it, but as yet little concrete action. Yet a number of digital helpers already exist. (Image: zVg / Möller Horcher)

Surprisingly, many companies are interested in using AI to better interact with customers, partners and other stakeholders - but not in making their own internal communication processes more efficient. It's a mistake that will come back to haunt them when their competitors start to outpace them in terms of efficiency. That's why it's important to be open to the existing technological possibilities and to use them to your own advantage. Against this background, the path to a modern marketing department stretches over five steps.

1st step: Inform and research

If you want to use digital helpers, you first need to get an overview of which tools are available and what purpose they serve. Ideally, the research for suitable solutions is carried out by an employee who is technology-savvy and speaks good English - even German technology providers communicate predominantly in English. It is also advisable to ask colleagues from marketing and corporate communications: Which tools do they already use? Which applications are used in other areas of the company? And can these tools also be used for their own purposes? On this basis, it is possible to create an initial longlist.

Step 2: Form task force

To ensure that the "Modern Marketing" project does not come to nothing, it is advisable, depending on the size of the company, to appoint either a permanent team or a member of staff who will be responsible for the next steps, drive the project forward and enthuse colleagues for the project. Ideally, such a team should consist not only of communications experts, but also include employees from other areas of the company. Experience shows that interdisciplinary teams deliver the best results. However, it is important that companies provide sufficient human, financial and time resources. Otherwise, the project is doomed to failure from the outset.

Step 3: Set goals (and boundaries)

Following the introductory research, an important task of the task force is to formulate realistic goals and set limits. How and to what extent marketing departments automate their communications is a highly individual decision. While the goals are usually quickly set - companies usually want to save time and gain new insights through the use of AI - it is often much more difficult to draw boundaries. Thus, with regard to ethical and moral aspects, responsible parties should consider exactly how far they want to go. Not everything that is technically possible should actually be implemented. That's why, in case of doubt, it's advisable to postpone the relevant decision and instead move straight on to the fourth step.

Step 4: Experiment

Proceeding according to the trial-and-error principle is definitely recommended when dealing with AI-based solutions and applications for process automation. The motto here is: nothing ventured, nothing gained. Many technology providers offer free trial accounts and support users in experimenting. By playing around to find out which solutions offer real added value for their needs, marketing and communications departments make a valuable contribution to securing the future viability of the entire company.

Step 5: Get started

It is certainly the case that many AI-based and automation solutions are still in the beta stage. Nevertheless, there are a number of tools that have already been tried and tested and deliver convincing results. Especially in the field of marketing and corporate communications, many processes can be made significantly more efficient through the use of corresponding solutions. With the help of voice-controlled assistants, users can not only shop, but also edit graphics and photos. Functions such as speech-to-text, text-to-speech and text-to-video make this possible. It is also possible to translate multi-page Word documents and even entire PowerPoint presentations based on AI or to record and transcribe conversations.

Tools for AI in communication

The number of digital helpers is already quite large today. What they are and what they do is revealed by the Tool Collection from Möller Horcher, which can be found at is available for free download. In it, the communications experts put the solutions DeepL, Wortliga Textanalyse, Amazon Polly, Trint, Cogia, Wibbitz, IOX-Bot, Parlamind and Retresco under the microscope.

About the author:
Venera D'Elia has a doctorate in German studies. Born in Russia, she has lived and worked in Germany since 2000. In 2005, she joined the communications team at Möller Horcher ( in Offenbach. The mother of two is now Head of Business Development and Senior Consultant. The Möller Horcher communications agency stands for many years of experience and comprehensive know-how in PR, content marketing and lead management.

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