Swiss Sales Forum 2019: Call for constant willingness to learn and change

This year, the Swiss Sales Association once again invited participants to the annual Swiss Sales Forum. For the first time, the event took place at the Kultur- und Kongresshaus in Aarau. 150 entrepreneurs and companies enjoyed an exciting journey into the future about changing markets, changing customer behavior and increasing communication speed.

TOP 100 speaker Daniel Enz spoke at the Swiss Sales Forum. (Image: zVg / Sales Switzerland)

The Swiss Sales Forum was organized by Verkauf Schweiz, the professional association for inside and outside sales professionals, agents and companies. The conference was opened by moderator Joana Hahn. She called for being open to change and innovation, because it has never been possible without it, and it will not be possible in the future.

Rethinking recruitment - also in sales

The morning was dominated by presentations on the topics of sales competence (Andreas Mollet), marketing for Generation Z (Benjamin Kröni) and recruitment (Nilgün Aygen). The panel discussion around "Excellent sales for your company's success" with Dirk Reznik, CEO Vorwerk, Thermomix, Gerth Vogel, Top-Management Consultant and Michael Gilgen, President Sales Switzerland stimulated reflection. It quickly became clear that a lot will and must change in the future. For companies, this means: analyzing cleverly and finding out what is needed for their own company and then really taking off. Sales expert Nilgün Aygen showed with her keynote speech "Recruitment rethought" shortly before noon how important it is also in this area to stay up to date, to rethink if necessary and to prove flexibility. "With a well-filled talent pipeline, you have the wheel in your hand."

TOP 100 Speaker at the Swiss Sales Forum

The lunch break provided an opportunity to maintain existing contacts and make new ones. In parallel, Baschi Sale passed on important tips and tricks to the participants in the LinkedIn networking session. The afternoon was dedicated to the topics of being a role model as a boss (Marcel Schulz), paying attention to others and when people really listen to you (Christian Busenhart), courage, motivation and joy in sales. The crowning conclusion was made by the TOP 100 Speaker & Sales Trainer, Daniel Enz. "Selling is not everything, but without selling, everything is nothing." he gives the entrepreneurs and companies on the way. 2.5 hours characterized by authenticity, great expertise, know-how and the typical smile guarantee at the end.

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