New era in sales & marketing
Digitization, globalization and rising customer expectations are increasing the pressure on companies in the B2B business to change. Sales and marketing are also coming under increasing pressure. The transformation process poses new challenges for corporate management and calls for a fundamental renewal of processes.
atedo AG has created a toolbox specifically for B2B companies. The Swiss experts for strategy and organizational development based in Zurich and Sursee call their approach "B2B Sales & Marketing Excellence 4.0". The toolbox supports companies in properly aligning their strategy, organization and culture with regard to the challenges of the digital future - and thus ensure sustainable business success, according to the company. "By 2024, the majority of B2B companies in Switzerland will be under massive pressure in sales and marketing," emphasizes André Fischer, Managing Partner and co-founder of atedo AG, which claims to be Switzerland's first B2B consultancy. According to Fischer, international studies also reveal this.
Systematically managing customer experiences
For more than eight years, atedo AG has been focusing on B2B sales and marketing as well as on strategy and organizational development. In the last four years, the consultancy has also intensively addressed the opportunities of digital transformation in this context. atedo conducted a survey with decision-makers and executives to find out where B2B companies in Switzerland stand when it comes to digital transformation in the area of sales & marketing. The findings based on this study flowed significantly into the development of the new approach "B2B Sales & Marketing Excellence 4.0" and complement the practice-oriented and theoretically sound knowledge of atedo AG.
Avoid bad investments
The B2B customer of the future will place ever higher and more complex demands on companies. The experts are therefore certain: companies will no longer be able to master the challenges posed by rising customer expectations without process automation. atedo believes that personalization and automation will fundamentally change the customer experience in the coming years. Alexander Wicki,
qualification is made more effective and efficient. This creates more time for personal contact."
Personal contact is crucial
Today, customers are increasingly using online channels to find out about products, offers and best practice examples. "We know from experience that nowadays in B2B new customer acquisition, the customer's decision-making process is up to 60 percent advanced during the initial meeting. Customers therefore expect real added value in the exchange of information in a face-to-face meeting," says André Fischer, assessing the situation. The personal encounter is therefore becoming even more crucial to success, but it must be redesigned and optimally embedded in the digital and analog world of experience.
Recipe for success for satisfied customers in the long term
Sustainable corporate success is only achieved when strategic and operational goals, processes and culture are seamlessly integrated. The atedo model aims to unite precisely these three overarching fields of action. "Because only if the continuous optimization process takes place across all these areas can the conditions be created for satisfied customers and employees in the long term," adds André Fischer. To achieve this goal, atedo always develops solution paths together with its customers. "Through this collaborative and agile process, we involve employees in the project from the very beginning. As a result, they understand the underlying meaning, are actively involved in finding solutions and ultimately contribute to making goals a reality," Wicki knows from his own experience.
More information: atedo AG