Trend marketing: practice-oriented inputs for SMEs
"Praxisbuch Trendmarketing - Innovationskreislauf und Marketing-Mix für KMU": A guide to trend awareness and effective implementation for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Hardly any other sub-discipline of corporate management is as subject to changing (fashion) trends as marketing. SMEs in particular - which make up the backbone of the economy with 99 percent of companies - seem to be at a loss when it comes to using new trends to market their own company and products. With her book "Praxisbuch Trendmarketing. Innovation Cycle and Marketing Mix for SMEs", the authors Veronika Bellone and Thomas Matla now provide a wealth of information and helpful guidance. First, various SMEs from the DACH region themselves have their say and report on their own handling of trends and the corresponding trend marketing After a section on trend research, seven important megatrends are then discussed (digitalization, individualism, globalization, demographic change, sustainability, healthstyle and urbanization). Then it gets really concrete: the authors present the 13-P marketing mix and explain its application in SMEs with the derivation of an innovation cycle for trend marketing. The classic 4P approach from the 1960s is no longer sufficient in the eyes of the authors. The criteria Product, Price, Place, Promotion are supplemented by People (humans), Process (processes) and Physical Evidence (materials) and extended by dimensions such as Purpose (enterprise purpose), Performance (performance figures) or Propulsion (technologies). Paying attention to the needs of customers is also an important call of the book for SMEs. Practical checklists and case studies - always interspersed to illustrate individual theoretical sections - round off the clearly structured book. All in all, the two authors provide a useful working tool that combines scientific depth with many examples from SMEs in different industries - a treasure trove of knowledge and stimulus for application for marketing managers with strategic aspirations as well as for students who want to delve deeper into this subject area.
Veronika Bellone, Thomas Matla
"Trend Marketing Practice Book - Innovation Cycle and Marketing Mix for SMEs"
Campus Verlag Frankfurt/ New York, 2017
367 pages, hardcover
Print ISBN 978-3-593-50662-3
E-Book (PDF) ISBN 978-3-593-43567-1
E-Book (EPUB) ISBN 978-3-593-43590-9