Safer Internet Day 2021: How to surf safely in the home office

Currently, many people work from home. Every day, they use a wide variety of digital tools to stay in touch with work colleagues and customers. All in all, a lot of time is spent online - and that's where dangers lurk. To mark Safer Internet Day 2021 on February 9, we recall the most important tips for safe surfing.

February 9 is Safer Internet Day 2021, and we're providing a few tips on how to stay even safer online. (Image:

Anyone who is on the Internet every day cannot avoid Google. This company with its almost indispensable applications also emphasizes how important security on the Internet is to it. For example, Tadek Pietraszek, chief developer for account security at Google Switzerland, is sharing his top tips for safe surfing on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2021.

Safer Internet Day 2021: Tips for all

The first tips point out "classic" carelessness that all of us should avoid:

  • Do not use passwords more than once: With many websites today, you need a user account to make full use of their services. It seems simple here: 1 password - and use it everywhere, then you only have to remember it once. That's not true: "The safest way is to create a separate password for each service," advises Tadek Pietraszek, and he immediately points out a useful Google tool: "You can save your various passwords in your Google account and store them at manage at any time." In addition, Google informs its users when a password has been compromised.
  • Choose strong passwords: Passwords consisting of proper names or birth dates are not secure. Much better are passwords that are behind memorable password phrases: For example, how about: " G oogle g ibt d ir 8 T ipps z at S afer I nternet D ay 2021 "? The first letters of the words make up a secure password: Ggd8TzSID2021. "And no one will ever guess it," says Tadek Pietraszek.
  • Do a safety check: Which devices are currently connected to a Google account? Which third-party applications have access to the personal Google account? This can be checked with the check. There you can also see whether any security risks have occurred recently.
  • 2-Step Verification: Those who have a Google account, for example, can secure it with a two-step confirmation in addition to the password - similar to how this is standard for online banking, for example.
  • Keep software up to date: Software updates should be carried out regularly. This is because they usually eliminate security gaps that may have appeared in the meantime.
  • Be vigilant: Internet fraudsters are trying to obtain user data in increasingly sophisticated ways. It is therefore important to be able to distinguish phishing e-mails from legitimate ones. You can test how well you know how to recognize phishing e-mails yourself by following these links:;;

Tips for companies

Companies - especially SMEs - should pay special attention to the following tips:

  • Platform security: Companies whose employees now work in home offices must be able to manage the computers of all users and implement an endpoint security solution. In addition, policies must be established for the use of personal devices. Caution is advised when emails ask to install software.
  • Video conferencing security: For videoconferences, make sure that only invitees can participate. Google's Tadek Pietraszek recommends, "Use the join request for public meetings and verify all participants before allowing them in." Be careful when prompted to install new video conferencing apps.
  • Promote vigilance: "Employees should be provided with regular, targeted and detailed training, including self-learning," says Tadek Pietraszek. Clear rules for installing and using applications also help. Clear processes for detecting and reporting security-relevant events should also be defined.

Following these tips should ensure safe surfing not only on Safer Internet Day 2021.

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