René Faigle AG appoints Daniel Bodmer as new CEO

The Board of Directors of the Faigle Group has appointed Daniel Bodmer (56) as its new CEO. He will take over operational management on June 1, 2020, replacing Thomas Rieder, who has held this position for the past seven years.

Daniel Bodmer (right) takes over from Thomas Rieder as the new CEO of René Faigle AG. (Image: zVg / Faigle)

René Faigle AG is a Swiss family-owned company active in the fields of output and information management, printer infrastructure, production printing and 3D printing. With 250 employees at 16 locations throughout Switzerland, the Faigle Group implements integrated business solutions for the entire field of print and document management, from scanning and archiving to IT services and customized outsourcing solutions. As of June 1, 2020, Daniel Bodmer will take over the operational management of the company, which was founded in 1933.

Daniel Bodmer graduated from the University of Zurich with a degree in business administration and psychology. After working in sales and product management, he held management positions in various industries, including IT, telecommunications and financial services. Most recently, he was CEO at Cashgate AG, where he drove the digital transformation of the entire offering and subsequently accompanied the sale of Cashgate to Cembra Money Bank. "With Daniel Bodmer, we were able to gain a personality who combines rich management experience with profound knowledge in marketing and sales and who has earned an excellent reputation in various companies as an open-minded and at the same time assertive leader," says Andres Iten, Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of the Faigle Group. And Daniel Bodmer comments: "I am very much looking forward to the new challenges. In the future, we will position ourselves even more strongly as a total solution provider, offering our customers the entire spectrum of digital information and document management."

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the Faigle Group would like to thank the retiring CEO, Thomas Rieder, for his dedicated service. During his seven years of service, he succeeded in realigning the company and positioning it for a successful future in all areas of output and information management.

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