Successful completion of apprenticeship: EFZ mediamatiker excels with multimedia final project

Opacc has been one of the established training companies for EFZ media technicians for years. Numerous young people opt for this attractive profession, including Flavio Waser, who has now been able to collect his laurels with a great final project.

Delivered a brilliant final project: EFZ mediamatiker Flavio Waser proudly presents his apprenticeship diploma. (Image: Opacc)

Opacc Software AG has been training apprentices for 22 years. Currently, two EFZ media technicians start each year in the promising and sought-after profession. For Marco Stuber, the person responsible for apprenticeships, the effort pays off: "Training young people in ICT professions is enormously important in order to counter the shortage of skilled workers in our industry."

Maximum 90 hours of work!

For the practical final project in his last year as an EFZ media technician, Flavio Waser was able to draw on a wide range of resources: the freshly graduated professional succeeded brilliantly with a short film about the Opacc Software AG campus in Rothenburg. Specific framework conditions had to be met for the project. Flavio Waser: "The rules and conditions are defined by the education ordinance. It also states how much time may be spent on the practical final project. It's a maximum of 90 hours!"

Final project with short film

The topic of the practical work is always defined by the training company. This year, vocational trainer Marco Stuber found the choice of topic particularly easy: "With the move to the OpaccCampus, it quickly became clear that this year's IPA would be based on the new company building. So the idea for a short film came up quickly." The film is intended to express the fascination of the OpaccCampus and to provide an appropriate insight into the workspaces. The length is limited to four minutes and an interview with CEO Beat Bussmann and CTO Christian Reiter is also to be embedded. Flavio Waser: "Now I was able to start with the script, let my drone fly, and then, last but not least, finalize the editing and sound."

The video is available at to see.

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