Information management: All data and documents under control

Only companies that have all their data and documents under control can survive the digital transformation. Five reasons why comprehensive information management should be a central component of any digitization strategy.

Information management must be part of any digitization strategy.

163 zettabytes, that is 163 with 21 zeros: According to a recent study, this is the gigantic amount of data produced worldwide. IDC study by 2025. Companies that want to make the best possible use of this development for their business success must rethink their information management. This advice is now being given by the business software experts at godesysa German manufacturer of ERP solutions. Accordingly, digitization strategies urgently need to include the area of data management and analysis. godesys mentions the topics of business process management (BPM), mobility, omnichannel and information management in its campaign #digitalnormal the cornerstones of the digital transformation. The following five reasons speak for a more thoughtful, IT-supported handling of internal and external information.

Five reasons for comprehensive information management

  1. Data management helps save time: With the help of an information management strategy paired with data management systems (DMS), processing times can be reduced and sought-after documents such as orders, purchase orders, invoices, contracts, lists, e-mails, notes and more can be retrieved quickly and easily. By automating recurring filing processes, companies can free up their employees to focus on core business.
  2. Reduce costs: IT-supported information management reduces mountains of paper. Expensive storage space for folders and the like is also no longer necessary. In addition, digital document management increases productivity. Companies can invest the saved expenses in new business opportunities.
  3. Information management increases efficiency: Archiving and automation functions included in the document management tool make processes traceable and transparent. This enables companies to optimize collaboration. At the same time, processing quality increases.
  4. Data strategy strengthens security: Professional DMS tools create the best framework for audit-proof data management. Data can be reliably archived from capture to destruction. This significantly reduces the risk of data loss.
  5. Companies increase their productivity: With the help of information management, companies improve the overview of their documents and processes. Functions that ensure the seamless interaction of different systems and employees, as well as social features so that all employees are on the same level, are useful here.

ERP as a hub

Hans-Jürgen Zinn, COO of godesys AG, comments: "The requirements for efficient information management are increasingly changing and growing. On the one hand, front-end functions are becoming more and more specialized, and on the other hand, all internal, and in some cases also cross-company, areas are to be continuously interlinked. The ERP system is the hub here, which has to cope with increasingly complex tasks. In addition, the amount of information is getting larger and larger. That's why today it's no longer just a matter of managing and preparing this information in line with requirements, but also processing it in a target-oriented manner."

In this context, a modern DMS must go far beyond a virtual filing cabinet. The focus is on company-wide and cross-site processes. Information management must be powerful and reliable, understand relevant processes and know which document belongs where and what its significance or purpose is. This is the only way companies can maintain an overview, leverage competitive advantages through digitization, and also meet the constantly changing legal requirements.

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