"Smart technologies": Trend word of the year or bubble?

Opportunities to share with each other will continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace this year. Technological developments will continue to pave the way for a technology-driven future and play an important role with regard to many strategic decisions.

Artificial intelligence in our everyday lives.

Who would have thought five years ago that it would be possible today to receive and reply to emails just by using a smartwatch? Tobias Häckermann, Sherpany.

Sherpany took an in-depth look at what 2016 will bring. The findings: In 2016, technology will become even smarter, because a lot has happened on the market in terms of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data or social media. By connecting more and more tools, the IoT in particular will make it possible to communicate with each other in a whole new way.

The collaboration of companies or within a team will fundamentally change and improve. The future is now and we wear it on our wrist more often than not! "Who would have thought five years ago that it would be possible today to receive and answer emails just by using a smartwatch?" asks Tobias Häckermann, an expert on digital lifestyles.

Smart systems

Interconnected technologies will require platforms that adapt to their IT programs. Based on our personal, physical and mental states, the smartwatch will soon show us the right time to make important decisions.

Technological change has left its "revolutionary phase" behind and has now become a fundamental part of everyday life. It contributes significantly to faster individual and collective decision making. Technology enables the members of a team to make joint decisions when it comes to extremely important issues. Everyone is "in the same boat" even if they are not physically sitting at the same table.

Culture change through digitization

Businesses in general are currently undergoing major transformations that are characterized by digital disruption. Pat Chapman-Pincher, an expert on global technology trends, explains: "Sadly, few in positions of power have yet to comprehend or even grasp the potential impact of technology on individual businesses or the wider economy.

The bottom line is that going digital means introducing and using smart technologies. Companies must start by gathering as much reliable information about new technologies as possible. They need to get those people on board who have the necessary digital know-how and experience. Digital transformation offers an invaluable alternative to traditional workflows and, along the way, frees up more time for finding and planning strategic decisions.

This year is the "smart" year.

Companies that have not yet taken advantage of smart technologies and want to keep their competitive edge today need to jump on the bandwagon now. 2016 will most certainly NOT be the year of the dawdlers and dreamers. As we move towards accelerating technological growth, only those who stay one step ahead will be able to retain their market share.

By 2020, 50 billion drives will already be connected to the Internet.

Technology connects and makes things happen in seconds. There's no reason why you shouldn't choose this intelligent path. Because it's not just about all the innovations that technology brings, it's about the benefits for absolutely all work processes - every day.

More articles about the Internet of Things and digitality can be found at http://www.sherpany.com

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