Short-time work - a guide for SMEs

Short-time work - a guide for SMEs" is a helpful e-book that explains everything important about the topic in simple terms and guides you through the entire process of short-time work.

"Short-time work - a guide for SMEs" is a helpful guide for SMEs. (Image: Publisher SKV)

Short-time work has become a major issue in many companies in recent weeks. For many SMEs, this meant new territory. The administrative effort involved proved to be not always easy to understand. Many companies therefore first had to obtain information on how they could best handle the issue of "short-time work".

Everything about short-time work

On August 15, a guide to short-time work, written by Marianne Wanner and Silvia Lang, will be published by SKV. In easy-to-understand language, this e-book explains everything about short-time work: the eligibility criteria; the advance notification, approval and introduction of short-time work; the settlement with the unemployment insurance fund and with the employees as well as interim employment during short-time work. The Covid 19 special regulations are also discussed.

Practice-oriented guide

The publication is enriched with many completed samples, templates, helpful links and checklists that facilitate the pre-registration, accounting and payment for those affected. "Short-time work - a guide for SMEs" is aimed at SMEs, HR managers, self-employed persons and employees of fiduciary offices.

Info about the book

Short-time work - a guide for SMEs
Everything important simply explained - with templates, examples and checklists
Expected publication date: August 15, 2020
1st edition 2020 E-Book (PDF)
Price: CHF 29.-
ISBN: 978-3-286-11771-6
Publisher SKV

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