Published for the first time: "Global Family Business Tax Monitor

The Center for Family Business at the University of St.Gallen (CFB-HSG), together with EY, has published the "Global Family Business Tax Monitor" for the first time.

Cover page excerpt from the Global Family Business Tax Monitor. (Image:

Family businesses are an important element of economic life in practically every country in the world. For them, the regulation of business succession plays a particularly important role, and, depending on the case, so do inheritance taxes. Inheritance taxes can be decisive in determining whether and how a business finds its way into the next generation of the family. The question therefore arises: Who pays the most inheritance taxes where in the world, and who pays the least?

The Center for Family Business at the University of St.Gallen (CFB-HSG) has worked to answer these questions together with EY published the "Global Family Business Tax Monitor" for the first time. The results of the research project show a worldwide comparison of the resulting inheritance taxes in 69 countries around the globe based on a standardized case of a business succession in family businesses.

In addition, there is a lot more information on the website:

  • An interactive world map shows at a glance the minimum and maximum inheritance taxes of the respective country, the inheritance taxes in the standardized succession case and the legal system applicable there.
  • Various economic indicators are compared with the respective maximum tax rates.
  • The legal systems are compared in the context of the resulting inheritance taxes.
  • A sortable and searchable table summarizes the results from the countries studied.

The website (only available in English) can be found under

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