Change of management at Wander AG
Arnold Furtwaengler, CEO of Wander AG, is retiring from Wander after 28 years and will take early retirement in January 2025. The search for a successor is underway.
Sporting spirit for success
After 28 years at Wander, the manufacturer of Ovomaltine and other brands, Arnold Furtwaengler is taking early retirement in January 2025. He was CEO of Wander AG for 14 years. He is embarking on this new phase of his life, as he says himself, "with great anticipation and a lot of energy, albeit with a little melancholy". With his sporting and team spirit, his positive attitude and his infectious enthusiasm for the Wander brands, he had a lasting impact on Wander's corporate culture.
Strengthening the Neuenegg site
Together with his team, he has significantly expanded the Wander company and its strong brands Ovomaltine, Caotina, Twinings and Isostar. From Ovomaltine Crisp Müesli to the Ovo Break wafer bar, Ovomaltine is currently successful in numerous categories. Since the inauguration of a modern production facility for spreads almost 10 years ago, more than just powdered products and bars have been manufactured in Neuenegg for the whole of Europe. The Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream spread enjoys great popularity not only in Switzerland and Germany, but all over the world. Even in Indonesia, where consumers eat little bread, Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream is now an ingredient in local specialties such as martabak.
It is still unclear who will succeed Arnold Furtwaengler in January 2025. The process of finding a successor is underway. Wander is confident that it will soon be able to appoint a successor.