Bank WIR announces change in the Board of Directors
Karin Zahnd Cadoux, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Bank WIR, will not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting in May 2023. The course for her successor has been set: The Board of Directors supports the candidacy of the current Vice Chairman Marc Reimann.

Karin Zahnd Cadoux, who was elected to the Board of Directors of Bank WIR in 2014 and as its Chairwoman in 2019, has decided not to stand again in the overall renewal elections of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on June 5, 2023. The 49-year-old cites personal reasons for this decision: "I am a workaholic, but two deaths and a serious illness in my immediate environment have caused me to rethink my priorities." As head of the company, Zahnd Cadoux therefore not only wants to focus more on her own business again, but also to have more time for her family.

In order to strike a balance between continuity and a breath of fresh air, the Board of Directors of Bank WIR supports the presidential candidacy of Marc Reimann (41). The CEO of Zirkumflex AG, headquartered in Cham, has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2013 - and its Vice Chairman since 2021.
"During my term of office, I was able to contribute to setting an important course for a continued successful future at Bank WIR," concludes Zahnd Cadoux. She describes her designated successor as a "young, digital-savvy man with foresight, who has all the qualities required for this office.
Source: Bank WE