Future Work Barometer: Companies increasingly ready for Working World 4.0

In a third round of surveys, the Future Work Barometer asked Swiss companies about developments in Working World 4.0. The results of the benchmark study show: Companies are investing heavily in new forms of work.

Just under a year ago, in July 2020, the first Future Work Barometer benchmark measurement was available. A survey conducted by the Future Work Group GmbH short study conducted at regular intervals in collaboration with the FHNW School of Business and ORGANISATOR. The intention behind this is to make it possible to understand the development in companies with regard to the digitalization of their working environment since the beginning of the pandemic. Now the measurement carried out in April 2021 has been evaluated, in which 272 companies participated. The Future Work Barometer is based on the major Swiss study published jointly by the Future Work Group and the FHNW in the fall of 2019. "Working world 4.0".

Investments in the working world 4.0 reach record levels

With percentage increases of 10 to 20 %, investments in the three dimensions show peak values in the FW Barometer 2021-1. Looking at the time series of the three short studies conducted since July 2020, it is apparent that companies are gradually reaching a level of maturity that indicates the sustainable design of a modern working world in which the home office or blended working plays a central role. More than half of the companies surveyed said they planned to invest in technology (52 percent), work location (59 percent), but only 39 percent in the "people" area. However, this figure is higher than a year ago (July 2020: 32 percent).

Potential that has not yet been tapped is specifically classified in the areas of holistic working environment strategies, forms of work, work processes, IT data security, leadership style and personal competencies.

Future Work Barometer whitepaper and webinar

The Future Work Barometer shows that Covid-19 can help implement Working World 4.0 quickly and successfully. In order to give companies even more practical support in this, there is on the one hand a White Paper with the summarized results is now available free of charge. On the other hand, a webinar will be offered on Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. on the topic "How companies plan for the phase after Covid-19." Participants will learn even more about the creation and implementation of a Working World 4.0 strategy. Information including registration is available here: Working World 4.0: How companies are planning for the post-Covid-19 phase Tickets, Thu, 06/24/2021 at 17:30 | Eventbrite.

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