Mission Zéro awarded Swiss Future Prize for the first time

The Swiss Future Prize aims to honor companies, company founders, start-ups or individuals and teams from Switzerland and Liechtenstein for the most innovative solutions against climate change. The prize is to be awarded as part of Mission Zéro on National Climate Day in May 2021 on the Bundesplatz.

AEE SUISSE launches the Swiss Future Award: companies, individuals, teams, etc. can participate. (Image: AEE SUISSE)

Many people talk about CO₂. But AEE SUISSE, the umbrella organization of the economy for renewable energies and energy efficiency, doesn't just want to talk. It has launched "Mission Zéro," a voluntary initiative by Swiss industry and science. Its goal is to identify solutions to counter climate change and to encourage people in their various roles to play an active role.

Swiss Future Prize: Application until 21.1.2021

The Swiss Future Prize now wants even more: It presents people who, with ideas, courage and perseverance, are making a tangible contribution to a world in balance. The motto of the Swiss Future Prize 2021 is "Economy in (Climate) Change" and is deliberately formulated in an open manner. With which solutions and at which stage - already implemented for years, recently introduced or only in planning and development - is irrelevant. Everyone can become a Climate Hero 2021!

Companies, company founders, start-ups or individuals and teams from Switzerland and Liechtenstein can apply for the title "Climate Hero 2021" until January 21, 2021.

The jury

The jury for the Swiss Future Prize is as diverse as the commitment and solutions to climate change. Experts from business, science, media and society judge the applications received. However, the public has the final say on who deserves the title of "Climate Hero 2021": Starting in March 2021, three finalists and their solutions to climate change will be presented and evaluated in a public vote.

The National Climate Day

The Future Prize will be awarded on the occasion of the first National Climate Day. The National Climate Day will take place on May 27, 2021 in Bern on the Bundesplatz, in Zurich's main train station and at other locations throughout Switzerland. The National Climate Day 2021 is intended to bring together people, organizations and companies who not only want to discuss, but also want to act. The focus is on effective solutions, ideas and innovations. The mixture of inspiration, dialogue and entertainment is unique. Together we can take action and achieve a lot to bring the world back into balance.

The Swiss Future Prize is part of AEE SUISSE's "Mission Zéro" and is supported by Promerit, SAP and Cardea. You can find more information about the Future Prize at www.zukunftspreis.ch.

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