Book tip: Integrity in business dealings

The vote on the corporate responsibility initiative is coming up. A recently published book entitled "Integrity in Business" deals with this current topic. It sees itself as an important and necessary guide for (future) leaders and is suitable for both small and large SMEs.

Integrity in Business: The new book by Klaus M. Leisinger. (Image: zVg)

Today, every self-respecting company has a mission statement assuring that the integrity of its actions is one of its highest values. Nevertheless, the limits of legality are often tested in everyday life, "service by the book" is merely provided in the environmental area, although proactive action would be necessary, and inhumane working conditions are made possible again and again with legal tricks.

Practical tools for integrity in leadership

How can this be? Are these one-off lapses by individual managers and thus the exception to an otherwise rule of integrity? In this book, Klaus Leisinger shows that integrity is above all a personal responsibility: Integre leaders look closely, act to the best of their knowledge and conscience, and lead by example. When they make commitments, they keep them; when they make mistakes, they stand up for them and correct them. They motivate the people working in the company through fairness and recognition and convey to them that they are part of something they can proudly stand for. With a minimum of academic theory, the author presents practical insights and tools that help deal with moral dilemmas in everyday business life and develop solutions based on universally valid values.

About the author

Klaus Michael Leisinger is founder and president of the Global Values Alliance Foundation, professor (emeritus) of sociology at the University of Basel and senior advisor to various United Nations institutions. He has held senior positions in a major pharmaceutical company, most recently as CEO and President of the former Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development. He is a member of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network initiated by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and led by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and serves the European Commission as an expert in ethics assessments. In addition to his work at the University of Basel, he has taught and lectured as a visiting professor and invited lecturer at the University of Notre Dame and other universities in the United States, China, Singapore, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Title: Integrity in business dealings
Author: Klaus M. Leisinger
ISBN: 978-3-7245-2453-3
432 pages, paperback
Publication date: November 2020 or already published

Rheinhardt Publishing House

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