Book tip: Genuine lateral thinkers wanted

The management thinker, keynote speaker and business philosopher Anne M. Schüller shows why the future of companies lies in the hands of unconventional thinkers in her new book "Querdenker verzweifelt gesucht". It will be published in October 2020.

Lateral thinkers wanted: Anne M. Schüller shows why the future of companies lies in the hands of unconventional idea creators in her new book. (Image: zVg)

If you want to reach the future, you need new ideas. Other ideas. Better ideas. Bold ideas. Ideas that no one has had before. This is where lateral thinkers come into play. They are mediators between outdated practices and new approaches, pilots into a new era. They shake things up, make things different, and bring things forward. They provide a breath of fresh air and drive important initiatives forward with a high level of commitment because they really care about the progress of their employer. Yet in many organizations, lateral thinkers are considered annoying and undesirable. This is dangerous. Where lateral thinkers are not allowed to become truly active, inertial tendencies increase. Stagnation, irrelevance and decline are the result. In contrast, the management thinker and multiple award-winning bestselling author Anne M. Schüller shows in her new book in a trenchant and practical way how the leap into the future actually succeeds with the help of good lateral thinkers.

Companies need lateral thinkers more urgently than ever before. Why is that? We're in the midst of the biggest change process ever. All over the world, visionaries are redefining what is possible. Only the nimble, smart, innovative market players with bold, unconventional, market-relevant ideas will survive. Excellent lateral thinkers, sometimes called organizational rebels, are thus strategically critical. This makes a strong lateral thinking culture essential. The crucial questions: In what kind of organization can this succeed? What tools are needed for this? How can you make yourself attractive to lateral thinkers? Where and how can lateral thinkers be deployed in order to move from thinking to action? What should you do to avoid driving away the good lateral thinkers you have? How can a lateral thinker stage his ideas so that they become acceptable? And what should even the most passionate lateral thinker stay away from? This book has the right answers at the ready: both for those responsible in companies and for the lateral thinkers themselves.

Book information:

Anne M. Schüller
Lateral thinkers desperately sought
Why the future of business lies in the
In the hands of unconventional idea generators
(with a foreword by Gunter Dueck)
Gabal Verlag 2020, 240 pages, 29 ,90 Euro
ISBN: 978 3 86936 998 3

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