The most female companies 2020 in Switzerland

Who are the most female companies in Switzerland in 2020? Every two years, the gender diversity consulting firm DOIT-smart researches the proportion of women on the largest Swiss executive boards and boards of directors. More than 260 companies have now been researched and compared across all sectors.

These are the most female companies in Switzerland in 2020: Adval Tech (sector: industry), IKEA (sector: consumer goods & retail), Biogen Switzerland (sector: life sciences), Sympany (sector: insurance) and Eidg. Personalamt (sector: federal companies) Zuger Kantonalbank (sector: banking) Ringier (sector: ICT) Der Touristik Suisse (sector: transport/logistics/tourism) are the frontrunners in their sector and currently have the highest proportion of women on the management board (GL). Biogen with a female quota in the management of 70%, Pfizer with 57%, as well as dsm, Eidg. Personalamt, Der Touristik Suisse with 50% lead the overall ranking of the 270 companies surveyed.

The most female companies 2020: The list

(Source: DOIT smart Gender Diversity Consulting)

The analysis is based on publicly available data from the companies and was conducted between January and August 2020.

Boards of directors are more female than management boards

The proportion of women has increased slightly compared to the first survey (2018) and now stands at 10%. This is a pleasing trend, which is also confirmed by the current Schilling Report. Nevertheless, in more than half of the companies researched, one searches in vain for women on the management board (GL). The situation is better on the boards of directors, with at least 85% of the companies surveyed having at least one woman on their board.

In a comparison of industries, the federally related companies are the best positioned, with an average share of women in the GL of 22%. The life sciences sector follows with 18% and insurance with 13%. In the consumer goods & retail sector, as well as in banks, the ratio is 10%. ICT and the transport & logistics & tourism sector have an average share of 9% women. The industry sector brings up the rear with just 5%.

In most cases, there is no direct intention to deliberately keep the proportion of women in management low. However, many companies have little appetite to remedy this situation. Stereotypes and biases are often strongly pronounced and these unconscious thought patterns can hardly be overcome with conventional methods.

An overview of the companies (incl. ranking) is available on the DOIT-smart Homepage published.

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