Griesser AG: Well on track despite Corona crisis

Even though the Corona pandemic poses major challenges for the family-owned company Griesser AG: So far, the order situation has remained relatively stable. But one plant in Alsace has to be closed as a precaution. Nevertheless, the company is optimistic about the future.

Despite the Corona crisis, Griesser AG recorded only a slight drop in orders. Its products include slat blinds of the "Lamisol" type. (Image: Griesser)

"As a European company with several country representations, we are experiencing the Corona pandemic as a particularly big challenge," emphasizes Urs Neuhauser, CEO of Griesser. The company, headquartered in Aadorf, Thurgau, is one of the leading companies in Europe for sun and weather protection for windows and terraces - commonly known as blinds.

Stable order situation at Griesser AG so far

In addition to Switzerland, Griesser AG also has branches in France, Austria, Italy and Spain. The various countries are affected to varying degrees by the pandemic. Italy was currently the first to be affected and the most severely. The company reacted quickly and clearly there and sent employees home early so that they could continue working from home. As a result, there were only a few cases of infection. "So far, the overall order situation at Griesser is still good. There is a strong north-south divide, but overall, there has been little drop in orders so far. Customer inquiries can still be received and processed," says Urs Neuhauser.

Business activity received

The company is currently pursuing two main objectives with regard to Corona: First, to protect employees and customers; second, to maintain business operations. "We follow the government recommendations in the respective countries in our measures. Our employees in the Group have been equipped with respirators as a preventive measure, and employees with customer contact have received disinfectants. In addition, teams are working in different shifts so that we can increase fail-safety," says CEO Neuhauser, explaining the measures taken at Griesser AG.

Plant in Alsace to be closed

The situation varies in the European countries of the Griesser Group. While the plants in Switzerland, Austria, southern France and Germany will remain active, the plant in Alsace will be closed as a precaution. However, this is the smallest subsidiary, employing just 10 people.

The sales department remains active in all countries, but works from the home office. There is sufficient stock for the most important products and accessibility is ensured by telephone, video telephony and e-mail. "We are glad that we already adapted our infrastructure regarding video conferencing, file sharing and cloud solution before the Corona crisis. This is now benefiting us," explains Urs Neuhauser. In addition, Griesser can rely on the "myGriesser" web portal for sales, which, equipped with a web store, is available to customers and partners around the clock.

Much cohesion noticeable

The CEO also senses a lot of solidarity at Griesser AG these days - especially for colleagues in Italy and Spain. Of course, fears also resonate, but the will and commitment to master the crisis together are enormous. Many also see opportunities in the current situation - including Urs Neuhauser: "In the last few days and weeks, many things have developed enormously at Griesser that were not so much on the agenda before the crisis."

Neuhauser is convinced that Corona will permanently change the world of work. There will be more home offices, more video conferencing and less travel. Our company has already survived many crises during its almost 150-year history. These include, for example, two world wars, the Great Depression, the Spanish flu and the oil crisis. "I am convinced that we will emerge from this crisis stronger as a company," says Urs Neuhauser.

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