Several million francs for climate protection projects

The Swiss Climate Foundation is once again investing several million francs in climate protection projects in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Companies with concrete projects can apply for funding now.

The Swiss Climate Foundation provides funding for climate protection projects. Vatorex, for example, which has developed a floor heating system for honey bees, has taken advantage of this. (Image:

Climate protection and sustainability are at the top of the agenda. If the goal of a climate-neutral Switzerland by 2050 is to be achieved, a determined commitment is needed from all sides. More and more SMEs are also making a commitment by launching promising projects or upgrading in terms of energy efficiency. However, in order to successfully implement such an undertaking in a cost-effective and sustainable manner, many companies need start-up assistance. They can now apply for this from the Swiss Climate Foundation. The foundation is accepting applications for financial support for climate protection projects until March 1, 2020.

Innovations for the climate in demand

SMEs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein that are developing an innovative solution for climate protection can apply online via the Website submit an application for funding to the Swiss Climate Foundation. The spectrum of innovations that have been supported by the foundation so far is broad: While some are developing energy-efficient glass facades thanks to the Swiss Climate Foundation's support (HyWin), others are tinkering with innovative composting methods (WormUp) or floor heaters for honey bees (Vatorex) - all of which are new products that ultimately benefit the climate. In addition, the foundation also supports far-reaching measures to save energy in the company's own operations. Applications for energy efficiency projects over CHF 20,000 can also be submitted until March 1. submitted be implemented. Smaller efficiency measures, so-called Standard measures, can be applied for at any time. Last year alone, the Swiss Climate Foundation invested CHF 4.2 million in climate protection projects and energy-saving measures by Swiss and Liechtenstein companies.

From the economy for the economy 

The Swiss Climate Foundation is again expecting numerous applications from companies with new ideas and advanced products that help promote climate protection. "Switzerland has been leading the global ranking of the most innovative countries for years. In particular, it positions itself at the forefront of research and education. This provides fertile ground for promising climate protection projects," says Vincent Eckert, Managing Director of the Foundation. "However, young companies that want to make a positive contribution to sustainable development with innovative business ideas often lack the necessary financial resources," adds Christian Hofer, member of the foundation's Board of Trustees and Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Raiffeisen Switzerland. "With its broad support in the business community, the Climate Foundation can make an important contribution to overcoming this hurdle."

Promotion of climate protection projects thanks to long-standing partners

The Swiss Climate Foundation can count on the long-standing support of 27 partner companies from Switzerland and Liechtenstein, including banks and insurance companies as well as service providers such as PwC Switzerland, Sanitas and SAP. The partner companies voluntarily donate their rebates from the CO2 emissions tax and thus make the commitment of the Swiss Climate Foundation possible in the first place.

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