Entrepreneurial sustainability: öbu invites to forum ö

öbu, the association for sustainable business in Switzerland, celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2019. Reason to celebrate - and to take a look into the future. Against this backdrop, öbu invites you to Forum ö, the forward-looking Swiss annual conference in the field of business and sustainability.

Entrepreneurial sustainability: People as bridge builders. This is the theme of this year's Forum ö on October 31, 2019 at GDI in Rüschlikon.

The Forum ö is the annual meeting of the sustainable economy in Switzerland. Once a year, this event brings together leading Swiss companies and organizations with thought leaders from science, politics and consulting to discuss the opportunities and challenges of sustainable economic development. Under this year's motto "Sustainability of Business: People as Bridge Builders", thought leaders and lateral thinkers from business, science and society will discuss the opportunities and challenges of sustainable economic development on October 31. Visitors can expect exciting insights into successful, novel and sustainable business models as well as relevant topics for sustainable companies: From intrapreneurship and multistakeholder dialogues to sustainable supply chains, circular economy and reporting, sufficiency and societal innovation.

As a visitor, you have the choice. You will have plenty of time to ask the experts questions and, if you wish, to get actively involved. There will also be plenty of time to exchange ideas with the other participants. Because it's high time we got down to work together and courageously built bridges. Between companies. Between people. And that goes far beyond the Forum ö. We expect over 200 participants at this birthday event at the inspiring Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Rüschlikon.


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