What makes the Digital Workplace the workplace of the future?

Our working world is undergoing a transformation. Digitalization is replacing traditional and rigid working models with flexible and contemporary forms of work.

The workplace of the future allows employees to securely access all relevant company data. (Image: Pixabay.com)

We work on the road, on-site at the customer's location, or increasingly in the home office. At what time and with which digital end device is not decisive.

Flexible working with the Digital Workplace

In order for employers to master the current challenges, the implementation of a powerful and digital workplace is recommended. The digital workplace allows employees to securely access all relevant company data and applications. Where the user is located is irrelevant. Flexible working is particularly in demand among young professionals and increases their employee satisfaction enormously.

The productivity of the employees is increased

In addition to this satisfaction, an increase in productivity is also achieved, as optimized forms of collaboration become possible. The result: an increase in the company's success. Also from a Studywhich was produced in collaboration with the Forbes Insights research institute, shows that the digital workplace has a positive impact on work productivity. Employees report massive increases in efficiency when digital workplaces are introduced.

What the Digital Workplace is doing:

  • Support for modern work concepts such as home office and Bring Your Own Device
  • Reduction of unproductive time
  • Basis for successful "War for Talents" (shortage of skilled workers)
  • Positioning as an attractive, contemporary employer
  • Compatibility of family and job through independent work
  • Increased performance through optimized forms of collaboration
  • Mobility and flexibility to meet demand

Silvan Wyser, Head of Marketing GIA Informatik AG, Peyermattstrasse 3, CH4665 Oftringen
T +41 62 789 71 71, hello@gia.ch, www.gia.ch

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