General Assembly of Independent Shoe Retailers: Setting the Course Instead of Giving Way
The 63rd General Assembly of ZUSA - independent shoe retailers on Stoos set the course for future-oriented topics. In addition, the long-standing president Christoph Romang was bidden farewell.
Do we want to give way - or set a course? This is a legitimate question in view of current market developments, noted Christoph Romang, President of ZUSA Independent Shoe Retailers, in his review of the year. "We are confronted with various challenges such as digitalization, new market structures and changing customer behavior. We have decided to set a course and work around the obstacles to remain financially stable and independent in the future."
Sales psychology: the first impression counts
That is why ZUSA consciously invests in the training of its members. Sales psychology, for example, is an important success factor in sales. That's why ZUSA is offering its member stores a one-day workshop with trainer Christine Meyer-Keller on four different dates in the fourth quarter of 2019. "We want to provide valuable impulses, for example, on first impressions in the store, on the topic of clarity and confidence in dealing with customers, or on how to conduct conversations," ZUSA Managing Director Hansjörg Egli promoted this new training offer, emphasizing that stores can use this knowledge to set themselves apart from their competitors.
Digitization and marketing
How can Facebook and Instagram be used successfully for your own business? And how effective is your own website? This is the topic of another digitally oriented training offer for ZUSA members. In a personal training session, they will receive practical advice on how to present themselves in the social media. In addition, the websites of member companies will be assessed. "This new marketing package includes numerous other tools, including Facebook- and Instagram-enabled material with which course participants can professionalize their advertising and PR activities," said Hansjörg Egli.
In the marketing area, ZUSA is launching its own men's shoe brochure "Casual" in view of the spring-summer fashion 2020. As Hansjörg Egli informed, all potential men's shoe suppliers are to be won over for cooperation and cost sharing. According to Hansjörg Egli, ZUSA has created the necessary technical basis for even more efficient cooperation with suppliers and digital data exchange. Members can obtain additional information directly from the ZUSA office.
From succession planning to trend information
Further topics to be included in the training program in the near future are succession planning, occupational pension plans and the organization of deputies. The tried and tested ZUSA specialist course, an important component of apprenticeship training, will also be held this year in the usual framework with the existing team of lecturers. In September 2019, the trend information as of fall/winter 2019 with Marlies Brogli is again on the program.
Christoph Romang resigns as president
Major personnel changes are imminent in the administration of the ZUSA Cooperative. The long-time president Christoph Romang is stepping down after his 12-year term as chairman and a total of 15 years as a member of the administration. He was honored with great applause at the general assembly for his calm, level-headed and professional way of leading the ZUSA ship. Willy Gwerder, also a long-time member of the administration, was elected as his successor. With Sonja Morger there is another departure at the top of ZUSA. Among other things, she has been involved with topics related to social media and digitalization. The general assembly elected Erika Barth as her successor. Furthermore, Samuel Schneider, whose father Ueli was on the ZUSA board for several years, was also elected to the administration. All other members of the administration stood for re-election. Esther Albiez will take over the office of Vice President.