Confident leadership and decision-making in crises: Competence center for crisis management opened

With profound practical expertise, the Crisis Management Competence Center, which has just opened, makes decision-makers crisis-proof. In the course of intensive seminars, top executives receive first-hand practical expertise in crisis management and communication from a team of proven crisis managers.

The team of the Crisis Management Competence Center: (from left to right) Marcel Fritsche, Bettina Zimmermann, Beda Sartory and Thomas Hobi. (Image: zVg)

Crises are a latent risk for every company. They usually occur unexpectedly, can pose an existential threat to organizations and seriously damage their reputation. In other words, a poorly managed crisis can cost a good reputation.

Challenged in crisis situations

In the event of a crisis, managers, in particular, are called upon to the highest degree. However, only those who have specific know-how and are well prepared can lead and decide confidently in such situations. This is not always the case. There is a lack of practice-oriented executive training for successful crisis management in corporate practice. This is shown by the many years of experience of the renowned crisis manager Bettina Zimmermann, CEO of the GU Security & Partner AG (GU Security). The complexity of crisis situations requires a holistic view and approach. Clear, sometimes tough announcements and measures are needed, as well as professional crisis communication - especially with the media and thus the public. In addition, the affected people, with their emotions and needs, have to be taken on board. "A balancing act that requires a wide variety of skills. The KKM's training spectrum covers all facets, from crisis management and crisis communication to the management of a crisis team. This is precisely where we train and empower the participating top executives and make them "fit" for the crisis. Crisis prevention also plays an important role here, because the best crisis is one that doesn't happen in the first place," sums up Bettina Zimmermann.

Close gap

With the Crisis Management Competence Center (KKM) she founded, the sought-after expert wants to close this gap. Within the framework of intensive seminars, top executives receive first-hand practical expertise in crisis management and communication from a team of proven crisis managers. Their broad range of experience is complemented by a top-class advisory board with personalities from business, the military and society. The location of the KKM, which is based in the Lilienberg Entrepreneur Forum has in Ermatingen. An appropriate environment for dealing with this challenging topic. The first seminars will start in October 2019.

Prepared for all eventualities

The KKM management team is made up of proven experts with decades of experience in crisis operations. In addition to founder and crisis manager Bettina Zimmermann, these include security experts Beda Sartory and Marcel Fritsche as well as crisis communications expert Thomas Hobi. Together, they pass on their profound and, above all, field-tested knowledge and vouch for the highest quality.

In the spirit of a learning organization and quality assurance, the KKM is supported by an advisory board chaired by Beda Sartory, with personalities from business, the military and society. The advisory board acts as a sparring partner and source of inspiration in terms of content and strategy. By means of this bundled training competence, the KKM intends to create significantly improved conditions for strengthened crisis prevention as well as more successful crisis management.

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