100 years of SNV: Old lady with young thoughts

The Swiss Association for Standardization SNV celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2019. Standards shape our industry today - but this was not always the case. This article traces the "founding chapter" of the SNV's history.

The founding charter of the Swiss Standards Association SNV, which celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2019. (Image: zVg / SNV)

Twenty years before the establishment of a standards organization in Switzerland, the first efforts are already being made to define generally applicable rules. In Zurich in 1898, for example, representatives of several countries negotiate standardization for a metric screw thread.

Cross-industry need for standards

In July 1919, the Swiss Standards Association was founded in Baden. A few years later, its name was changed to the still valid designation Swiss Standards Association (SNV) is amended. The first meeting is held on the initiative of the Swiss Association of Machinery Manufacturers (VSM) with the aim of exchanging views on the need for joint standardization work.

Important role on the international stage

Swiss standardization activity was also of great importance at an early stage at the international level. As early as 1926, standards experts from Switzerland were involved in the founding of the International Federation of National Standardizing Associations (ISA). From 1928 to 1931, Curt Hoenig was Switzerland's first president of the ISA, from which today's International Organization for Standardization (ISO) emerged some 20 years later.

After the Second World War, Switzerland is a founding member of ISO, which establishes its headquarters in Geneva. In 1947, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung reports that "... these resolutions testify to the esteem in which our country, and Swiss standardization in particular, is held in international circles." Also when the European Committee for Standardization is founded in 1961 under the name Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), the foundation stone is laid in Zurich.

Organization according to subject-specific standards

In 1962, the SNV was constituted as an association, and about ten years later its structure and working methods corresponded to today's organization by divisions. Today, the SNV is divided into the following seven divisions

  • Interdisciplinary standards area (INB)
  • Mechanical, electrical and metal industry (SWISSMEM)
  • Civil engineering (SIA)
  • Road and traffic engineering (VSS)
  • Watch industry (FH)
  • Electrical engineering (Electrosuisse)
  • Telecommunications (asut)

SNV: Old lady with young concerns

Anyone who thinks that the 100-year-old SNV is getting on in years is unaware of its latest tasks. Over the past ten decades, it has always kept pace with the requirements of the various industries and still sees its main task as standardization. Swiss, European and international standards are developed in direct cooperation with users. This ensures that the guidelines generate lasting benefits for the economy and society, for producers and consumers, and provide security. This standardization process, which is accessible to all, is suitable for all areas of life. And because our world is constantly evolving, SNV also remains absolutely young in spirit and is currently dealing with topics such as Industry 4.0, smart technologies, blockchain, climate protection and sustainability, for example.

As an information hub and independent competence center, the SNV ensures efficient access to national and international standards. It enables and promotes the development and harmonization of new standards through the active influence of its members as experts in national and international standards bodies.


Probably the most prominent example of standards: The paper formats according to DIN. (Image: zVg / SNV)

DIN A4 - The standard of all standards

Today, every schoolchild knows the A4 paper format that fits into every printer, every envelope and every folder. The fact that there is a longer history of development behind it is little known.

One hundred years ago, the question of the format of stationery is unresolved worldwide. The call for a uniform paper format is growing louder, but the multitude of existing formats makes standardization difficult. In the founding minutes of the Swiss Standards Association of 1919, it is stated that "... the letter format 220 mm × 280 mm, which is most common and fits the registrars everywhere, is chosen."

The decisive step occurred in Germany in 1922, when engineer Walter Porstmann spread the idea of a constant aspect ratio and eventually established it as a DIN standard. The starting point for paper formats is DIN A0 with an area of one square meter. All other formats are derived from this by halving or doubling the area so that a constant aspect ratio of 1 : √2 results. Finally, this also results in the DIN A4 format 210 mm × 297 mm.

The VSM follows the German example and adopts the A4 format for business papers under the name "VSM letter format. Swiss Post also standardizes its paper formats, and in 1924 the Federal Council decides to introduce the new formats as standard in the federal administration. The transition period, until the existing supplies and forms are used up, lasts twelve years. When raw materials become scarce at the beginning of 1941 because of the war, the Federal War Industry and Labor Office issues an order for the exclusive production of finished paper from the A series. With this decision, the DIN format finally establishes itself as the standard format in Switzerland. (Source: Philipp Messner, The standardization of paper formats in Switzerland)


Dr. Hans Zürrer, Director of SNV from 1987 to 1999. (Image: zVg / SNV)

"Do it once, do it right, do it internationally!"

Dr. Hans Zürrer was director of SNV from 1987 to 1999. In a short conversation we had with him as part of our anniversary year, he recalls some highlights and episodes from his time in office.

Mr. Zürrer, what was the most special standard for you that SNV worked on during your time as director?

The ISO 9000 standards for quality assurance and subsequent testing and certification were developed during this time. This new important series of standards, which had a great influence on quality management in all industries, is now indispensable. All those who worked on it at that time were very committed and challenged. Not least because numerous new terms had to be translated into the three ISO languages and additionally into German for adoption in the EC at that time.

Was it always easy for you to explain SNV's tasks to outsiders?

No, this was and still is not easy. It is particularly challenging when these "outsiders" are the superiors of the standard creators. This is because standardization work also requires, above all, an understanding of the time off and financing of the experts who work on a voluntary basis. In addition, financial resources are also required for the infrastructure, i.e. for the SNV, CEN and ISO organizations. It is particularly difficult when the dismantling of technical barriers to trade is not obvious for certain products and industries. The director was often called in for mediation talks.

It also took a great deal of effort for the Swiss government, through the then BAWI (now SECO), to recognize the reduction of technical barriers to trade as important for the Swiss export industry and to support the SNV with a mandate. Until then, Switzerland was the only ISO member that was not co-financed by the state.

What was the attitude of the standards experts to the Swiss EEA no?

A few years before that, I was a member of the President's Group of CEN, CENELEC and ETSI and had lively contact with EU executives and government representatives. The EEA no came unexpectedly and was generally understood as Switzerland's rejection of Europe. However, it had little influence on standardization work in European bodies. The dismantling of technical barriers to trade remained a high priority for Switzerland as a member of EFTA. For the export-oriented economy and various political bodies, however, much would have become easier.

What did you appreciate most about international cooperation?

The directors of the national standards organizations were mainly assigned to steering committees. International conferences enabled the heads of standards to meet not only with each other, but also with government delegates and representatives of industry and business. Personal acquaintances formed many useful relationships and also friendships that have lasted beyond retirement. Of course, this also involved travel, with the familiar advantages and disadvantages.

I was always impressed by the joint commitment of technology, business and politics and the development of consensus. The principle applied was that, at the given time, not everyone could always be in favor, but no one could be against.

Did all countries have the same understanding of the needs of international standardization?

Large countries usually have an extensive body of standards and corresponding resources. They also set the tone in standardization work and try to assert their national interests at regional and international level. However, the striving for the greatest possible common denominator also strengthens international standardization work according to the motto "Do it once, do it right, do it internationally!

Another special feature at European level was the "New Approach" created by the EU Commission. Its aim is to coordinate technical harmonization in both standardization and official regulations. Official regulations now only contain basic requirements relating to health, the environment and safety, and instead refer to standards, in which the technical details are defined by tried-and-tested private-sector standardization. Once adopted by qualified majority vote, EU and EFTA member countries are obliged to withdraw conflicting national regulations or standards. The reference to international standards again reinforced the motto: "Do it once, do it right, do it internationally!"

Other ISO members became interested in the idea of the "New Approach" and experts were delegated by mandates of the EC Commission. In totalitarian states, the New Approach meant a complete departure from the status quo, in that standardization there was also not organized on a private-sector basis. I remember corresponding ISO missions to Russia, China, Colombia as well as to the Eastern European candidates for EU membership. The visit to the Soviet ISO member in Moscow was particularly impressive. My Russian colleague was head of a ministry and had responsibility over several thousand employees. Apart from the huge country with numerous branches, there were all the relevant official bodies, all the specialist areas of standardization, certification, testing, metrology, telecommunications, etc. under one hat.

Is there an episode or anecdote from your time as director that you particularly enjoy recounting?

Immediately after the EEA no vote, a CEN meeting was held in Brussels. As my flight was delayed, I arrived a bit late at the meeting and the chairman teased: "We thought you wouldn't come at all now!" Of course, there was a lively discussion during the break and especially the majority of the states had to be explained again and again. The then EC Commission President Bangemann was also very interested, especially because I had previously expressed my conviction to him that the EEA would certainly be accepted.

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