Bruno Aregger: How to win from bad decisions - part one

Bruno Aregger has a lot to tell. Due to seemingly "stupid" mistakes, he lost almost his entire fortune as the owner of an SME. He has written down his mistakes and the lessons learned from them in his book "The Good Spirit of Your Company". We present a few excerpts from it - also as an audio book.

Attention source of error: If a company is in the saturation phase, wrong decisions can block many paths to the future. (Image:

For years, a company runs smoothly, customers come almost by themselves, and many others remain loyal. A nice situation, but also a dangerous one. Because, according to Bruno Aregger, "Entrepreneurs who are successful in the long term show the urge to optimize every day. They know that resting on success is dangerous. However, resting does not necessarily have to degenerate into laziness. However, it is difficult to find the right measure, because the boundary often shifts insidiously, and even then you rarely see your own laziness coming. In addition, one's own environment strengthens one's laziness even more, since your employees also prefer a quiet environment and want to avoid the unfamiliar. At the same time, fixed costs increase, because everyone quickly and readily gets used to a certain level of comfort."

Don't fall into the laziness trap

But how do you avoid falling into the laziness trap? Bruno Aregger recommends that entrepreneurs ask themselves "what if" questions every now and then, such as: "What if

  • you as the owner would be absent for at least 3 months for health reasons?
  • someone on the close management team would quit?
  • the two most important customers would suddenly jump ship?
  • a new law would come into force that would no longer allow the product to be sold in its current form?
  • a new, digital company would compete with you much more cheaply via online platform?"

In addition, it also helps to establish an open and practiced error culture. "This means that mistakes may and should even be made. The mistakes should be shared so that others can benefit from these experiences."

Experience Bruno Aregger live in the ORGANISATOR workshop

(Image: zVg)

The complete chapter on the saturation phase of a company is available - exclusively for ORGANISATOR readers - as an audio book at In addition, Bruno Aregger will share his experiences with you in the ORGANISATOR workshop on the occasion of the SME Day on October 26. Register now quickly for the SME Day and choose ORGANISATOR workshop:!


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