5 reasons why companies need to digitize their service

Many companies make a crucial mistake: they regard their service management as a necessary evil - and then ask themselves whether it is even necessary to digitize the service. But the digital transformation itself absolutely demands a digitized service.

Digital service management is more essential than ever for SMEs. (Image: unsplash / Mike Wilson)

Today more than ever, companies are required to provide their customers with all relevant services in real time and across all end devices and channels. This is currently one of the biggest challenges for SMEs, because they often do not have the necessary human resources. For digitization to succeed, however, companies need a central platform that collects all data about customers and links it in a meaningful way. Only in this way can they create relevant experiences for their customers. IT-PEAK-Networks, a developer of service management software, names five reasons why digitized service management will be indispensable in the future.

1. permanent risk of data loss

Even today, service in many companies is still handled via Excel spreadsheets or Word documents that go on for ages. However, such documents are not only very tedious to maintain, they also represent a high risk because companies always have to fear losing data. With service management software, this danger is averted: Employees can effortlessly work in parallel, enter data as needed, and access it without any problems.

2. more free space for value-adding activities

If companies decide to implement service management software, they have significantly more time for more meaningful activities because the time-consuming maintenance of Excel lists and Word documents is no longer necessary. Employees can, for example, set about improving service management and meeting the needs of the customer in an even more targeted manner.

3. stronger customer satisfaction and loyalty

Every company knows that it is significantly more cost-intensive to acquire new customers than to satisfy existing ones. Retaining customers in the long term through optimized, digitized service management pays off in many ways: They spend significantly more money and react less sensitively to price if quality and trust are right in return. In addition, satisfied customers act as positive brand ambassadors, as they are happy to share positive experiences with a company with those around them. Last but not least, existing customers spend less on advertising and make fewer complaints - which also reduces service costs.

Reduced costs through process automation

If companies have not yet implemented a service management solution, they have to contend with inefficient, time-consuming processes, which in turn leads to poor service. Manual processes eat up an enormous amount of time. For example, employees have to laboriously switch between different tools (Excel, Word or ERP system) during their work. It is much more efficient to automate service processes. With service management software, companies can coordinate processes much better and map service history in detail. This creates greater efficiency and effectiveness in service.

Service as a unique selling proposition

Today, a company's success or failure is no longer determined by price or product alone. Rather, it must positively distinguish itself from the competition through unique selling points. If companies decide to give service a higher priority and focus on the wishes and needs of their customers, this will have a positive impact on their image thanks to word-of-mouth recommendation. For this to succeed, companies should identify their customers' wishes at an early stage and fulfill them in the best possible way. If companies want to be successful in the long term, service digitization must be their top priority.



For more help and tips on how companies can successfully digitize their service - to generate more revenue, retain existing customers for the long term and win new customers - interested parties can read the free e-book from IT-PEAK-Networks "Digitizing service management - opportunities and challenges" at https://www.peak-networks.de/de/e-book-zur-service-optimierung.

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