Reinventing business
The publisher Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch describes the thought and work book entitled "Reinventing Companies" as a "novelty in the world of concept books and book concepts". Its author is Dr. Christian Abegglen, co-founder and president of the St. Gallen Business School, SGBS, as well as ambassador of the management concept according to Knut Bleicher.
The approximately 200-page book entitled "Reinventing Business. The St.Gallen Concept Practically Implemented" consists of a reading section and a work section. The two book covers contain fold-out cheat sheets to help the reader think. Working papers on deciding the question "Reinvent or optimize?" are available for download online.
Special attention is paid to the construction plan for a management house. The idea for this came about when the author, Dr. Christian Abegglen, heard about the dynamic space concept: erect an office building quickly, expand it at any time, downsize it, move it to another location or even return it. Nine room modules represent topics such as constitution, organization, understanding of leadership, processes and actions. Silos that cause stagnation are a thing of the past. Everything meshes smoothly here - like the gears of a Fidget Spinner with nine gears.
Having reached the end of the book, the reader has made decisions and worked out answers for himself about the development of his company or business unit. "The St. Gallen School is now definitely suitable for everyday use," says the publisher. The author reasons, "A lot has been written about it, what was missing was a book that gives readers a powerful result at the end." That's why he helps his readers identify goals from three perspectives (space, time, people) to get there. The book is aimed at executives who want to shape corporate strategy actively, rather than reactively. Suitable for companies of all sizes.
Company Reinvent
The thinking and working book against organized standstill
The St. Gallen concept put into practice
204 pages + digital working papers
ISBN: 978-3-96251-005-3
Publisher Frankfurter Allgemeine