Chief matter Presence Leadership

Practical tips for everyday management that encourage rethinking - enriched with insights from security, emergency and crisis management: A new book explores the question of how managers and executives can properly and successfully lead a company or themselves and their employees.

A matter of leadership: New book by Anton Dörig. (Image: zVg)

How can you recognize really good leaders today in everyday working life and what does that have to do with security? Challenging leadership needs presence & essence at all levels of management (Presence Leadership!®). Only non-ordinary challenges and difficulties allow us to really grow in leadership.

Examples from more than 20 years of professional experience of the author Anton Dörig - he has been active for more than 20 years in a wide variety of industries and areas of private and public security at regional, national and international level in leading positions - in the environment of security, emergency and crisis management are combined with unconventional suggestions from everyday life. This stimulates to question one's own behavior. Focused, sometimes provocative and to the point, this results in a change of perspective for all those who really want to be good leaders and are looking for new inspiration.

The book is published in Springer Gabler Publishing House and is already available online as an eBook. The hardbook will be available in a few days.

Chief matter Presence Leadership. From Anton Dörig.
1st ed. 2018, XVIII, 197 p., Springer Gabler Verlag, eBook: ISBN 978-3-658-20465-5; Hardcover + eBook: ISBN 978-3-658-20464-8.



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