The seven fields of action for digitization
Parallel to the topsoft and SuisseEMEX trade fairs, the Digital Summit for SMEs was held for the first time on August 29 and 30 in Zurich. Among the more than 20 keynotes, the presentation of an as yet unpublished study by the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW attracted particular interest.
The first Digital Summit for SMEs was completely booked out with over 550 participants. This showed how high the demand for information from small and medium-sized enterprises in connection with the digital transformation still is. In addition to 20 keynotes, the event offered visitors 42 learning workshops on a wide range of topics related to digitization.
The true content of digitization
The FHNW also investigated the state of digital transformation in SMEs on behalf of Postfinance. The detailed results are to be published in November of this year. The authors of the study, Dr. Marc K. Peter (FHNW) and Patrik Vonlanthen (Postfinance), presented the first results to those present. They sent ahead that many companies still forget what digital transformation is fundamentally about: namely, finding a competitive position in the digital age. One goal of the study was to show the companies fields of action for digitization.
Many activities, little satisfaction
The survey of a representative sample of SMEs showed that many companies are already using technologies and processes for better customer benefits. For 85 of the respondents, digital transformation has a concrete impact, and 70 percent have correspondingly concrete projects in the pipeline. What is surprising, however, is that only 30 percent are really satisfied with the progress and developments of digitization.
The study also revealed how important companies consider their culture. Managers in particular need to be more innovative and focus more on intrinsic motivation of their employees. Employees are also expected to adopt new forms of work more readily.
Seven fields of action for digitization and recommendations
From the results, the study authors derived the following seven fields of action for digitization:
- Constant customer orientation
- New strategies and business models
- New approaches to leadership and culture
- Optimized workflows
- Digital marketing
- New technologies such as the Internet of Things
- Cloud & data, i.e. modern IT infrastructure
As recommendations, the two speakers urged the audience to consider the following points:
- Maturity models (such as that of the University of St.Gallen) should be used to tap the "digital maturity level" of one's own company
- The above-mentioned seven fields of action are to be used to initiate one's own transformation
- Define priorities and develop a plan or strategy
- Identify and minimize barriers and risks
- Define a feasible project scope
- Collaborate with partners
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