SMEs - digital champions?

The majority of SMEs are focusing on digitizing internal processes. However, this transformation is still largely shaped by individuals. Digital "champions" declare transformation to be a matter for the boss. They are adapting the entire business strategy to the digital age - underlines a study by PwC Switzerland, Google Switzerland GmbH and digitalswitzerland.

Focus on internal processes: But digitization could offer SMEs much more. (Image:

The degree of digitization of Swiss SMEs varies. The larger the company and the younger the management, the fitter the company is in the digital field. The industry is also a deciding factor: Companies from areas of activity such as telecommunications and media are - not surprisingly - leaders in digitization. 80 percent of respondents expect the market to change fundamentally as a result of digitization in the next five years. This is the result of a survey of 300 Swiss SMEs.

Digital, but not everywhere

The companies surveyed focus on digitizing internal processes and on websites or e-commerce solutions. The customer and their experience are still rarely the focus: only 42 percent involve customers in their business processes. Companies that have opted for digital transformation now believe that the financial commitment has paid off.

Making digitization a top priority

"Success stories at homegrown companies show that digitization fundamentally changes a company. That's why the topic should be on the agenda of managing directors, CEOs and board members," emphasizes Patrick Warnking, Country Director of Google Switzerland. "Human resources are among the most important success factors of digitalization. It needs people who translate what has been planned into their everyday lives," adds Holger Greif, Digital Transformation Leader at PwC Switzerland.

Roadmap for champions

As a finding from the study, Norbert Kühnis, Head of Family Businesses and SMEs, PwC Switzerland, recommends showing courage and observing one's own market closely: "It often takes a courageous decision for a big step to succeed. I therefore advise Swiss SMEs to observe the market and see digital opportunities as opportunities. A champion uses digitization to expand the relationship with customers and to tackle customer needs in a spirited way."

You can download the current SME study under this link

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