Thinking about "Health Management 4.0" as well

Work 4.0 calls for Workplace Health Management 4.0: Current and future technological possibilities are transforming our working world. Machines, workplaces, electrical devices, tools - many things are or will be equipped with "intelligence".

Work 4.0 requires a company health management 4.0. (Photo: Cornelia Menicheli /

New forms of communication among systems but also with humans are possible. Terms such as cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-Things come into play here. According to a recent study by Gartner, 21,000 billion devices will be connected via the Internet by 2020. Software robots are increasingly taking over routine tasks, for example in HR or the financial industry. This development is changing our work and the corresponding work processes to a great extent, but also the requirements for the qualifications and skills of the employees. Welcome to the world of work 4.0 - partly already a reality, partly on the way there.

Technological progress always offers risks as well as opportunities. What are the challenges for health protection and holistic occupational health management in view of this enormous change? Are the cases of psychological problems continuing to increase so rapidly? What do safe human-robot collaborations look like? What are current responses to future work? How can the stress in the head due to permanent strain be reduced and the performance of the employees be maintained?

Work 4.0 requires occupational health management 4.0. The speakers at the conference on June 2, 2016 on the topic of "Occupational Health Management 4.0" will highlight the current and new demands, risks and opportunities resulting from the influence of digitization. However, they also show approaches of preventive measures and solutions within the framework of occupational health management.

More info on the conference at:

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