now also with payroll accounting

Swiss21 has set itself the goal of driving the digitization of Swiss SMEs and accompanying them into the digital 21st century. Launched at the end of 2018, 30,000 users are already using the free business software package. As of now, a proven payroll accounting solution is also integrated in Swiss21.

A tool for payroll accounting now also complements the Swiss21 ecosystem. (Image:

After 21.AbaNinja, the already well-known tool for offers, invoices, payments, accounting, time and activity recording and much more, the software for payroll accounting in Swiss21 also comes from Abacus. The module 21.AbaSalary contains all functionalities for the accounting, payment, evaluation and posting of wages. The opening is fast and uncomplicated from Swiss21. In addition, access by the trustee is also possible. 21.AbaSalary is free of charge up to the payroll of seven employees. With the 21.AbaSalary dashboard, companies would have an overview at all times and data available in real time, Swiss21 informs. Pay slips and wage statements are automatically stored by the system in digital personnel files.

Complete payroll accounting quickly

Like all Swiss21 applications, 21.AbaSalary is designed to make administrative work in small businesses quick and easy. In general, software in companies should always be up-to-date for security reasons. This is especially true for payroll accounting: it is subject to constant changes due to increasing regulation by laws and directives of the authorities as well as the high requirements of insurance companies. With the cloud solution hosted in Switzerland, the payroll software is always up-to-date and on any device. In this way, Swiss21 is making a contribution to relieving the burden on small businesses now also in the area of human resources. Payroll accounting thus becomes efficient and reliable, it says.

Ideally, only a few minutes pass from the opening to the first payroll with 21.AbaSalary. Thanks to the integration with 21.AbaNinja, the accounting in Swiss21 is also always up to date and enables an up-to-date view of the financial development at any time.

Sustainable free of charge

Up to 2,100 receipts/year, 2,100 items in the store and 2,100 contacts, the offer is free of charge for the company. This ensures that no costs are incurred in a start-up phase and, in the case of smaller organizations, also in the longer term. The participating software companies have committed themselves to sticking to the free use also in the longer term. If a user exceeds these limits, CHF 21/month will be charged for up to 5,000 receipts/year, 5,000 articles or 5,000 contacts. A change to another system is possible and the data can be exported. A modular extension of the applications is also possible and thus allows a scalable and customizable overall system with manageable costs.

The central goal of Swiss21 is to drive digitization forward and keep the costs low, especially for SMEs. The organization was founded in 2017. Walter Regli, its managing director, is pleased with the new expansion: "Thanks to the addition of payroll accounting, Swiss21 is the most complete overall solution for office administration on the market. We can thus offer SMEs a comprehensive package of business software. And all that free of charge! The offer has been well received; we recently had over 30,000 users on Swiss21."

Source: Swiss21 

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