Job market study 2019 by Jobcloud shows: Job search as a permanent condition

Maybe something better will come along - this motto seems to apply to many employees. Today, it is normal to be constantly looking for a job - whether actively or passively. This is shown by the 2019 Job Market Study by JobCloud ( / in collaboration with the LINK Institute.

Job hunting is "a permanent condition," according to JobCloud's 2019 Labor Market Study. (Image:

People who make neither active nor passive efforts in their job search have been on the decline for years: Whereas in 2010, 44 percent were still keeping their feet completely still, in 2019, only 39 percent are doing so. In contrast, all activities related to the job search are on the rise. This year, 28 percent are basically open to a new challenge without having actively looked (in 2010, 20 percent were). According to this year's survey, 19 percent have applied for at least one job, compared with 15 percent in 2010, according to the JobCloud Labor Market Study 2019.

Greater use of digital job portals continues

People who are actively searching are increasingly using more and more different sources of information. In 2008, people searched an average of four job portals; today, the figure is 6.5 portals - which can also be explained by the fact that the range of jobs on offer has steadily increased over the past ten years. As digital job portals such as become more widespread, jobs are also becoming more easily accessible to a broader target audience. Online portals continue to be the first port of call for job searches.

Strongest drive to search: money - strongest drive to stay: the team

You don't even have to be dissatisfied with your job to keep your eyes open. The study shows: Those who change jobs primarily want to earn more money - for 44 percent, this is true or very true. But the desire for a fundamental change in professional life is also a strong driver (42 percent).

The most important reasons for changing jobs. (Image: Labor Market Study 2019)

Further findings of the 2019 labor market study

Although money is a strong motivation to change jobs, it is hardly an incentive to stay. Those who are neither actively nor passively looking for a job cite the good relationship with their teammates as the reason, rather than the great salary: For 91%, this statement is true or very true. Also important to employees is satisfaction with job content and the workplace (88 percent).

Additional findings from the 2019 Labor Market Study will be published soon.

Source: JobCloud AG

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