Renewed increase in job placements by IV offices
Across Switzerland, the IV offices were able to integrate 21,156 people with a health impairment into the labor market last year. This represents an increase of 5% compared to the previous year and illustrates the important role of the IV offices' integration work.
According to the IV-Stellen-Konferenz (IVSK), the consistently high number of reintegrations is a confirmation of the sustainable work of the IV offices - and also means responsibility and continuous further development. Behind every successful integration there are various players: employers who show openness and offer prospects; people with health restrictions who seize the opportunity offered - and finally integration consultants who mediate between employer and employee. "Our integration specialists play an essential role in the high number of jobs retained and new placements for people with health impairments," emphasizes Monika Dudle-Ammann, President of the IV Conference.
Employment agencies: Integration provides prospects
An interest in people, professional competence, excellent placement skills and a good "connection" with employers - the integration consultants need all these prerequisites for successful work. The number of job placements is collected annually from the 26 cantonal IV offices and published by the IV Office Conference. The 21,156 people who were integrated by the IV offices in 2018 include 11,925 people who were able to keep their jobs, 1,710 people who moved to a new job in the same company, and 6,887 people who found a job in a new company. In addition, 634 people with a current IV pension succeeded in gaining a foothold in the world of work thanks to IV support. This year's motto of the conference of the IV offices is also very much in the spirit of integration work: Integration provides perspectives.
Preserving as many jobs as possible through early intervention
The earlier employees' health problems are identified and the IV office is involved, the better and more quickly it can take the appropriate measures - either to maintain the existing job or to integrate the employee into a new job. The IV's early intervention measures were created for this purpose. The fact that they can often prevent job loss is also shown by the high proportion of people who are able to keep their jobs each year thanks to early intervention.
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