Job search focuses on online portals

Online job portals are the most important channel for job searches and are constantly growing in importance. This is shown by a study conducted by JobCloud ( / in collaboration with the LINK Institute. In addition to company websites, the personal network of friends, family and acquaintances is also an important source for the job search.

Online portals top the job search hit list. (Graphic: Jobcloud)

People who find out about job vacancies generally do so online via job portals such as In the past 12 months, a large majority of 68% of all respondents have used relevant online portals to search for exciting jobs - around 2% more than last year. This is followed by the job sites of recruiting companies (52% in 2018 compared to 49% in 2017) and the personal network of friends and acquaintances (2018: 47%, 2017: 45%). Newspapers and magazines continue to hold their own in the midfield. Social networks such as Xing, Facebook or LinkedIn increase by 5%, but are less relevant for the job search overall at 28%. Recruiters and the regional employment agency RAV are also not at the top of the popularity scale for job searches.

Personal network remains important despite digitization

The circle of friends and acquaintances enjoys great credibility among job seekers and is often included in the search. Around 32% of the job seekers surveyed in German-speaking Switzerland who found a new job last year found it through their personal network, the study authors report. "The personal network can be a good complement to the online job search," said Renato Profico, CEO of JobCloud. "Often, job seekers become aware of an exciting job online. They then ask acquaintances who work at the advertising company or have a good connection there for a recommendation. So personal contacts are still relevant to a successful job search and very helpful for many."

Spontaneous applications lead to success especially with Romands

The gap between the two regions is evident in spontaneous job applications: In German-speaking Switzerland, only 5% of job seekers who found a new job last year did so via spontaneous application, while in French-speaking Switzerland the figure was a whopping 20%. However, the French also had to send out twice as many applications for their next job as the German-speaking Swiss (11.6 versus 24.5 applications). and most popular online portals for job searches

Unsurprisingly, job seekers expect a large selection of current and high-quality job postings from an online portal. For the French, it is also particularly important to be able to post a resume and have it found by recruiters, even if they are not actively looking for a job. In both French and German-speaking Switzerland, the JobCloud job portals are the best known and most popular points of contact: in German-speaking Switzerland, in French-speaking Switzerland. Thus, they are spontaneously named most often (unaided awareness) as well as most often as the most popular job portal.

Source: Jobcloud

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