English for managers, a checklist

The discussion about English as a universal working language is a recurring topic. Managers who communicate carelessly can fail, knows WU researcher Miya Komori-Glatz from the Institute for English Business Communication.

Misunderstandings can circulate even after clear English briefings. (Image: depositphotos)

In her research on English in management, Miya Komori-Glatz first addresses the general working language. She analyzes the English language that often circulates in teams and "develops" in specific work areas. Often it is a language that is not used as a mother tongue. However, establishing such a "universal language," Komori-Glatz says, results in "lots of mistakes." There are, however, positive signs in terms of teamwork, he said.

Actually, it's everyday life: international teams work and travel in different language circles. But not everyone finds it easy to deal with a foreign language like English as a working language. "According to the researcher at the WU Institute for English Business Communication, "The changeover within a company from German as the language of daily life to English represents a major break and is difficult for many employees. - Many even lack a language concept!

Opportunity and challenge for teams

"The central question is always how to reach all employees linguistically and avoid information barriers," she said. It became clear that linguistic and communicative competence in English can be a decisive power factor in the company, which can result in advantages or disadvantages for the employees - depending on the situation.

"At the same time, however, in another study of our own, we see that linguistic competencies can also develop collaboratively in teams." For this finding, Komori-Glatz observed and interviewed English-speaking student work groups. It turns out that the groups developed their own conceptualizations, vocabulary, and communicative practices as they worked together. "The students developed together socially as well as professionally. Along with the process of understanding came a shared vocabulary. They adapted not only the content, but also the way they said something to each other," Komori-Glatz said. "This suggests that - provided staff are consciously committed to it - a shared, inclusive development and learning process can emerge. That's how you successfully get where you're going."

From the kitchenette to the meeting room

However, in order to actually keep all communication channels open between employees, both among themselves and to managers and corporate headquarters, the requirements are high. Particularly crucial here is the flexibility to react when information does not reach everyone or barriers arise. "It doesn't always make sense to offer all information in English only - especially if there is not yet a uniform language level in the company. If managers want to enable communication among multicultural employees from the tea kitchen to the meeting room, it requires the flexibility to also offer information additionally still in the predominant native language in order to avoid knowledge gaps and fluctuating power relations for information advantages and disadvantages," Komori-Glatz says. "At the same time, it is important that new employees also feel comfortable in the company and are not excluded by the national language."


Five points to consider

Establishing a working language brings many pitfalls, but also many opportunities, she said. "In order to optimize information flows in the company, it is above all important to recognize potential barriers and opportunities. Where do employees' language skills lie? Where can so-called "language clusters", i.e. groups of employees with a common language, form and how can this lead to advantages or disadvantages?" explains Komori-Glatz. And there are many other things to consider as well:

  • It needs a concept.

If, for example, English is to be established as a working language, fundamental issues must be clarified in advance, such as when it makes sense to use English and how a company's stakeholders can be reached.

  • The conversion of a corporate language is extremely resource-intensive.

Documents have to be translated, everything has to be confirmed or rechecked, languages cannot be acquired quickly. Unfortunately, a general language training is often not enough: the training must be tailored specifically for the industry, the company and even the own activity.

  • Beware of shadow hierarchies!

So-called "language nodes", multilingual employees, are a valuable resource for communicating information directly and comprehensibly. However, it becomes difficult when shadow hierarchies develop and the company becomes too dependent on "language nodes" because they have more power than their own function entails.

  • Information flows must be monitored and, if necessary, innovatively promoted.

Regularly soliciting feedback is important to ensure that the (right) information is getting through. Written preparation for meetings or time for brainstorming in smaller groups helps colleagues with less developed language skills who need more time or language tools to express their ideas and contribute.

Knowledge of foreign languages beyond English is always an advantage.
Even if English is the working language, multilingualism promotes informal information flows and the relationship level. Several studies have shown that even very little knowledge of the business partners' language contributes to trust.


About the studies:

Komori- Glatz, Miya and Schmidt-Unterberger, Barbara. (2018): English-medium business education: creating the international managers of tomorrow, today? In: Sherman, Tamah & Jiří Nekvapil (Eds.), English in Business and Commerce: Interactions and Policies. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 310-334.

Komori- Glatz, Miya (2018) Conceptualising English as a business lingua franca (BELF). European Journal of International Management 12(1/2), 46-61.

Komori- Glatz, Miya (2017): (B)ELF in multicultural student teamwork. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 6(1), 83-109.

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