Study: Workplace decisive for motivation
Poor mood at work: Only 19 percent of employees feel their workplace is motivating. This was the finding of a recent study by Sharp Business Systems, the office equipment expert, in collaboration with the market research institute Censuswide.
The majority of office workers surveyed (63 percent) expressed negative opinions about inadequate factors in the workplace. Added to this is the annoyance with technology: one in two feels that the technical equipment in their office is backward and restrictive and has to deal with major breakdowns and annoyances three times a day on average.
42 percent therefore prefer to work with their own laptops, tablets or smartphones, which are newer, faster and easier to use than office equipment. A further 40 percent of respondents say they have more often faked that a piece of work equipment is broken, just so they don't have to use it.
Motivation killer technology?
Overall, almost half (42 percent) of respondents are convinced that modern and easy-to-use technology in the workplace would have a positive impact on their motivation. 16 percent even believe that it would make them feel more connected to their employer and that they would not look for a new job.
The proportion was even slightly higher among the younger generation under 35, who grew up with digital technologies: Here, 49 percent believe that more modern technologies had a positive impact on their work ethic. In addition, digital natives stated with above-average frequency (56 percent) that they prefer to work with their own devices rather than resort to office technology, which is perceived as outdated.
"It's clear that companies need to invest much more than they have in the past in order to position themselves as attractive employers, especially for young talent from the digital native generation, and to retain them over the long term," says Alexander Hermann, Vice President Information Systems Europe at Sharp. Modern, uncomplicated technology plays an important role here, and factors such as attractive premises and a collegial atmosphere are among the most important prerequisites for greater satisfaction in the workplace.
For more information on the pan-European results, see: