Have your snack delivered to your home office

From January 18, 2021, it is now in force, the home office obligation. Many people therefore work at home and also eat there - after all, the restaurants are currently closed. Leomat, the manufacturer of food vending machines in eastern Switzerland, is responding to this situation by delivering food packages directly to employees' homes.

Automatically well-fed even in the home office - Leomat brings the snack to the employees' homes with the new "LEOPak" offer. (Photo: Advery/Frosan von Gunten).

Leomat specializes in vending machines that supply employees in companies with coffee, sweets and snacks at any time of day. What can be done when employees no longer work in the office but in their home offices - and the vending machines are used less as a result? The company from eastern Switzerland, which claims to be the only manufacturer of food vending machines in Switzerland, has a simple answer: "We deliver the products from the vending machine to the home office. If the workplace shifts, so do our services," says Managing Director Daniel Büchel.

New service "LEOPak

The new service runs under the name "LEOPak", is available immediately and is aimed at Swiss companies - no matter which locality in Switzerland, LEOPak will be shipped there. It is a matter of course for the company from Eastern Switzerland to react to changing situations and to always look for innovative solutions, adds Daniel Büchel. Especially in these challenging times, it is also important to recognize opportunities and take advantage of them.

Snack and other snacks

The LEOPaks supplied contain the same products as Leomat's vending machines. Currently, customers can choose from five different packages. There are packages with coffee beans or instant coffee. And those who prefer tea are also catered for. The remaining packages contain cold drinks. What they all have in common is that snacks and sweets are included for the small hunger in between or the snack break. "We also put together packages with other product mixes on request," notes Daniel Büchel. And if it will be possible to maintain the cold chain, lunch menus can also be delivered as LEOPak in the near future, which have so far been selling successfully through the vending machines.

Source and further information: Leomat 

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