Five quick tips for stressed managers

Between meetings, conference calls and emails, between family, leisure and work, one thing in particular comes up again and again in everyday life: stress. It has become a sign of our times and part of our life in this society. Especially women and men in leading positions know this. However, stress is pure poison for the body, causes blood pressure to rise and can lead to depression or burnout in the long term. But what can help?

Tips for stressed managers: Even small steps provide some relaxation. (Image: La Clairière Bio & Spa Hotel)

Indian yoga guru and relaxation expert Deepak Yadav from La Clairière Bio & Spa Hotel in Alsace gives five helpful SOS tips for stressed managers.

Give yourself breaks!

If you take small breaks during work and recharge your batteries a bit, you'll usually get more done than if you work through it all the time. Basically, two active mini-breaks are particularly recommended. Use them for a small meditation session: open the window, stand upright and close your eyes. Listen to the sounds wafting in from outside. Take a deep breath in with your arms above your head and lower them as you exhale. Repeat this exercise three times: you will see, you already feel much more rested.

Green tea

Anyone who feels stressed should keep their hands off coffee. Contrary to the assumption that coffee strengthens the nerves, it mainly causes heart palpitations in tense people. If you're looking for inner peace, it's best to turn to green tea. Instead of caffeine, it contains theanine - a substance with calming properties.

Hand massage

You don't need a professional to give you a hand massage with a calming effect: simply provide yourself with some relaxation. To do this, stroke the thumb of your other hand over the palm with gentle pressure, starting with the muscle of the ball of the thumb. Take about three to four minutes per hand.  

Cold water

Hard to believe, but really true: Cold water helps against stress. Because on the inside of the wrist as well as behind the ears are important arteries that have an impact on the overall well-being. If you drip some cold water on these areas, you will immediately experience a calming effect.

Do sports

Those who find enough time should opt for a little exercise. It's the panacea for numerous aches and pains - especially stress and inner tension. Sometimes even a walk through the neighborhood helps. Even better - if it's possible - are small, ten-minute yoga sessions outdoors, because they bring the pulse back down and ensure a clear head. Here are a few simple exercises by yoga expert Deepak Yadav for in-between sessions that even stressed-out managers can do:

  • Dog Looking Down - Adho Mukha Svanasana. Granted: This exercise is not for the open office, but maybe you can find a quiet corner for the dog looking down. The starting position for this exercise is the quadruped stance. The hands are just below the shoulders. Now put your toes up and push your buttocks up as far as they will go with your arms and legs at the same time. Stretch the legs through, if possible the heels touch the floor or are at least as far as possible on the floor. The head is lowered during this exercise, the gaze is directed to the knees. If the stretch in the legs is felt uncomfortable, you can take small steps on the spot with your feet to loosen up.
  • Half rotating seat - Matsyendrasana. Sit on the floor with legs straight and back straight. The left leg is positioned, the right is stretched. Now the foot of the left leg is placed against the outside of the right knee. The legs are now crossed. Turn your upper body so that you can see over your left shoulder and bend your right arm. With your elbow, gently apply pressure against the outside of the bent leg. Hold for one minute and then switch legs.
  • Tree - Vrksasana.  Stand upright with your feet parallel. Keep your back straight and knees loose. Now shift the weight to the left foot, the right one is placed against the inside of the upper thigh. Place your palms in front of your chest in a prayer position. Afterwards, the hands, which are placed together, move over the head. If you find it difficult to keep your balance at first, it is best to fix your eyes on a point around you, a treetop or a flower.

If these little tips don't help in the long run, you may need some time off from your daily routine....

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