75% of all potential candidates are passive seekers
7.3 million people in Switzerland use social media - and not just for entertainment. More and more people are finding their new job via social media. Job advertisements on social media generate an average of 71 applications - this high figure shows that even people who are not actively looking are being addressed. The young company brandAktuell has set itself the task of helping companies find these people and thus the qualified talent for their vacancies.

Anyone actively looking for a new job registers on the relevant platforms with job offers. "But who is still actively looking for a job today?" asks Devin Betschart, co-founder of brandAktuell. "Three quarters of working people are passive job seekers. This means that they are not actively looking for a job, but will apply if they come across a suitable offer." And where do people come across interesting things these days? That's right, on social media.
Recruiting via social media
The young entrepreneurs Aaron auf der Maur and Devin Betschart are convinced that modern recruiting is done via social media. Around 7.3 million people in Switzerland use social media - a huge opportunity for brandAktuell. "Most people spend hours on social media," says Aaron auf der Maur. "If they stumble across a post or an employer profile that appeals to them, there is a good chance that they will apply for a job or remember the employer positively."
Successfully finding the right personnel
As soon as companies present themselves as attractive employers on social media and draw attention to their vacancies there, they increase their chances of finding suitable candidates many times over. "Some of our customers are able to increase the success of their job search by 5000% - for every 2 applications via conventional online advertisements, 102 applications are received via social media," says Devin Betschart. On average, a job advertisement on social media generates 71 applications.
Modern tools for measurable results
Through employer branding, brandAktuell helps its clients to build a strong employer brand and position themselves as attractive employers - these values and the vacancies are then communicated to potential candidates via social recruiting. Everything is produced in-house at brandAktuell. Using this principle, Aaron and Devin and their team have already acquired over 110 customers and generated more than 9,000 applications. "We help our customers to ensure that their job vacancies are seen by the right, qualified people and that they can fill their vacancies in the long term," says Aaron auf der Maur, summarizing the young company in one sentence.
Source: www.brand-aktuell.ch