Part-time jobs: Too much demand causes employers to skid

While demand for part-time positions on the part of job seekers continues to rise sharply, supply on the part of employers is rather hesitant. Nevertheless, there is hope for job seekers: The number of part-time vacancies advertised by employers has increased by 2.6% compared to the previous year.

The supply of part-time positions cannot satisfy demand. (Graphic: jobchannel ag)

Which part-time positions are most popular with job seekers and which are most frequently advertised? This is what the platform has evaluated, based on anonymized user data on the more than 150 job and specialist platforms it operates. With more than 26 million job ad clicks and around 1 billion job ads sent in job subscriptions per year in all industries and specialist areas, the data from the jobchannel network is representative.

Demand for part-time positions continues to rise

While in January 2019 the share of clicks on part-time job ads compared to all job ad clicks was still just over 32%, three years later, in January 2022, the share is already 41,20%. Even though the share of clicks on part-time job ads has fallen again slightly in the meantime, the trend shows that part-time jobs are becoming increasingly popular among job seekers and are seeing growing demand. The share of clicks on part-time job ads is currently 44,61%.

Rising demand for part-time positions. (Graphic: jobchannel ag)

Three strong upward outliers during 2021 and at the beginning of 2022 are striking. Demand for part-time jobs was particularly strong in November 2021, when the share of clicks on part-time job ads was more than 50%. Also in May 2021, 45,24% of all job ad clicks were, part-time jobs. In February 2022, there was another sharp increase in demand. The share of clicks on part-time jobs was 47,21%.

Imbalance: supply cannot satisfy demand

The supply of advertised part-time vacancies cannot satisfy the high demand for job ads with a part-time workload. But there is hope for job seekers: despite the prevailing imbalance between supply and demand, the supply of part-time vacancies in January 2022 increased by 2.6% year-on-year. Of the total 171,692 vacancies advertised in January 2021, 28,901 were part-time. In January 2022, the number of part-time vacancies advertised was already 45,109 out of a total of 232,108 vacancies.

Also in the last five months, the supply of part-time vacancies increased slightly, while the demand decreased slightly in the meantime. Thus, the share of clicks on part-time job ads was 41,20% in January and recorded the highest demand so far in February, with 47,31% clicks. In March, the demand for part-time jobs decreased slightly again and the share of clicks on part-time jobs currently stands at 44.61%. However, the imbalance of supply and demand can be explained not only by the strong increase in demand, but also by the fact that other part-time positions are being sought than advertised.

The 10 most popular jobs among job seekers: All jobs vs. part-time jobs

  All posts  Part-time jobs
1. Fabrication worker Building cleaner
2. Building cleaner Clerk
3. Clerk Administrative Assistant
4. Warehouse clerk Sales consultant
5. Sales consultant Commercial employee
6. Administrative Assistant Receptionist
7. Truck driver Accounting clerk
8. Commercial employee Service employee
9. Receptionist Kitchen employee
10. Logistician Personnel assistant

(Source: jobchannel ag, as of May 2022)

The 10 most advertised vacancies: All vacancies vs. part-time vacancies

  All vacancies Part-time Vacancies
1. Nursing specialist Nursing specialist
2. Electrician Health professional
3. Software developer Sales consultant
4. Sales consultant Service employee
5. Project manager Software developer
6. Carpenter Project manager
7. Service employee Building cleaner
8. Sanitary fitter Care specialist
9. Cook / cook Messenger / Messengeress
10. Health professional Trustee

(Source: x28 AG, as of May 2022)

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