Christmas parties are cancelled in companies - but they are celebrated in a different way
Companies don't let the mood be spoiled: Even if Christmas parties are cancelled in every second company, other occasions can be found to have a company party.

In December, not only families but also many companies usually organize a Christmas party. However, this often festive and eagerly awaited event is cancelled in most companies this year, as a recent survey by the job platform Indeed shows. In a YouGov survey, the company asked 378 managers in Switzerland about the Christmas party in their own company.
Hardly any virtual Christmas parties
Fifty-two percent of the managers surveyed said that their company had not held a Christmas party this year. On the other hand, 48 percent of the companies held a party with their employees this year. For the majority of them, presence was an important criterion: at 95 percent of the Christmas parties, the employees came together in person. A comparison with neighboring Germany shows that current developments in the Corona pandemic have had a significantly greater impact on Christmas planning there. In the survey there, 77 percent of managers said that their company had not held a Christmas party this year - mainly because of the pandemic.
The Christmas parties that took place were mainly subject to different Corona requirements: at 39 percent, the entire company was able to celebrate together, but in compliance with the 2G or 2G+ rules. Furthermore, 15 percent of the companies celebrated in smaller teams, and a further 12 percent followed this division with additional compliance with 2G rules. A total of four percent of the companies surveyed spent their Christmas celebrations virtually.
Especially last-minute cancellations of Christmas parties
For half of the companies that did not hold a Christmas party for their employees this year, it fell victim to the current pandemic situation: 43 percent of the companies canceled their already planned Christmas parties due to the current Corona situation. 23 percent did not even plan a Christmas party due to the uncertain situation throughout the year. A further 19 percent of managers said that their company had never held an official Christmas party even before the pandemic.
How companies give their employees a Christmas treat
More than two-thirds of companies (69 percent) give their employees a small gift at Christmas. Particularly popular is something culinary, such as chocolate or a bottle of wine: 19 percent of companies give this to their employees for Christmas. Vouchers and physical gifts are also very popular, with 16 percent each. A further eleven percent give their employees a gift in the form of a sum of money other than a 13th salary. Overall, 29 percent of managers said that their employees do not receive any gifts at Christmas.
Source: Indeed