Improving the quality of life with a noise strategy

In many places, urban centers are growing and development in urban neighborhoods is progressing. To maintain the high quality of life, effective noise protection is needed. The city of Zurich is therefore working with a noise protection strategy.

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In the next 20 years, the population of the city of Zurich will grow from more than 435,000 today to over half a million. Today's building boom will therefore continue to increase, and with it the risk of additional noise pollution. One thing is clear: noise impairs the quality of life and the environment. According to data, about one third of Zurich's population already lives and works in buildings that are exposed to excessive road traffic noise. There are also other sources of noise. In addition to construction sites and commercial activities, there are also events. In particular, the trend toward a 24-hour society runs counter to the quiet factor.

Noise protection in the growing city

In order to maintain a high quality of life and also to preserve the health of the people living here, the city of Zurich focuses in its noise abatement strategy on three areas with great potential for impact: road traffic noise, noise prevention in planning and building, and everyday noise. The strategy defines goals and guiding principles, specifies the fields of action and addresses the most important actors. "Good noise protection is a key factor for the quality of life in our city," says City Councilor Andreas Hauri, head of the Health and Environment Department. "The noise protection strategy aims to balance the interests of a vibrant city with the quiet needs of the population." The new strategy identifies existing conflicting goals and proposes solutions.

Pursue binding reduction path and exploit synergies

In the city, there is both a need for action and potential for noise abatement in road traffic. In addition to the goal of the Urban Traffic 2025 project, which seeks to increase the share of public transport, pedestrian and bicycle traffic in the total traffic volume, further measures are intended to provide relief at the source. The impact analysis shows that the combination of speed reduction, new pavements, quiet tires and electric mobility can bring about a clear reduction in the number of people exposed to excessive noise, according to the city. The noise abatement strategy aims to exploit this potential via a reduction path that has yet to be defined.

Noise protection should also be increasingly incorporated into all planning levels, from settlement and land use planning to construction projects. This is because inward settlement development must not lead to a deterioration in the noise situation for residents. The city's strategy also sets guidelines for this area - noise prevention in planning and building. Everyday noise includes, as mentioned, immissions from the nightlife scene or events. It is important to the city that the increasingly mixed uses do not lead to more noise complaints, it emphasizes.

Conflicts of interest are to be countered with the proven measures developed in the strategic focus on nightlife and with new approaches in order to reconcile the need for a lively city with that for tranquility.

Click here for the noise protection strategy and further information.

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