Jobs of the future: Digital life sciences meets environmental professions
Science and business are undergoing profound changes as a result of developments in the digital future. There is a growing need for experts who combine specific knowledge in a scientific discipline with skills in data science, modeling and computation - these disciplines also affect environmental sectors.
The working world of the future is changing not only in the wake of the Corona Crisis, but in an unprecedented surge of digitization. In the life sciences in particular, advances in genetic engineering, robotics, and data analytics are providing scientists with new tools to model and modify the building blocks of life. W.I.R.E., in cooperation with the "ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management" and illustrator Mirco Cresta, has visualized the life science professions of tomorrow.
Below are two new job descriptions on the great made job poster:
The Data Chef
analyzes data collected via machine learning and crowdsourcing on the sensory perception of food and compares it with its chemical properties to gain deeper insights into our eating habits. In this way, the Data Chef can combine new ingredients and ingredients to support the development of healthy as well as tasty food. |
The Greengineer
combines his knowledge of computer-aided modeling with his understanding of synthetic biology. Data on soil moisture and solar radiation are collected with the help of sensors, drones and satellite images to create so-called soil fertility maps. This allows the optimum crop yield to be calculated for each piece of land - which should also make rather inhospitable areas suitable for agriculture and reduce the use of chemicals. |
More job profiles of the future visualized by the folding poster "FUTURE JOBS IN DIGITAL LIFE SCIENCES", published by the think tank W.I.R.E. on behalf of the ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management.