University of Bern becomes implementation site of World Bank program

The World Bank has selected the University of Bern together with the Center for Evaluation in Saarbrücken (CEval) to host the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET). For the first time ever, the world's leading evaluation training program will take place in Switzerland this summer.

For the first time ever, the world's leading continuing education program in evaluation will be held in Switzerland this summer. (Symbol image depositphotos)

The University of Bern is the only university in Switzerland to have offered a comprehensive continuing education program in evaluation for 15 years. And the efforts of the capital city university and its Center for University Continuing Education (ZUW) are now paying off: The University of Bern, together with the Center for Evaluation (CEval) in Saarbrücken, has been selected as the sponsor of the new edition of the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank. IPDET is the world's leading advanced training program for evaluation in development cooperation. Starting in summer 2018, internationally renowned experts will offer the courses of the IPDET program at the University of Bern.

Professional evaluations are becoming increasingly important

The importance of the IPDET program is constantly increasing. Among other things, because all countries are required to assess their contribution to achieving the goals set out in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. "For the University of Bern, this mission therefore cannot be overstated - in addition to international visibility and networking, the university will gain reputation and recognition in the field of evaluation due to the uniqueness of the program," says program manager Stefanie Krapp.

University of Bern wins against more than 40 competitors

The University of Bern and CEval prevailed against more than 40 competitors in an intensive multi-stage selection process. Especially the vision convinced the IEG: According to the changing demands in the field of evaluation and contextual conditions in countries of the global south, the program will be successively developed and modernized. New topics in evaluation, new teaching and learning modalities (especially blended learning formats) and new forms of involvement of actors in the global South will be introduced.

Information about the training program

IPDET was based at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, from 1999 to 2016, during which time it established itself as the world's leading professional development program for evaluation in development cooperation, with a total of more than 3,500 participants from 125 countries. IPDET provides managers and practitioners with the tools to evaluate development strategies, programs and projects at the local, national, regional and global levels. The continuing education program is designed for development professionals who conduct, manage, or use evaluations. Participants may come from ministries or agencies in developing countries, development banks, the non-profit and foundation sectors, the United Nations system, and bilateral development agencies, universities, think tanks, and private sector consultancies specializing in development evaluation.

Registration for the first course program, July 16-27, is still open until May 31, 2018 (for more information, visit

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