Book Tip: Analyze the Web!

In the book "Analyze the Web!" author Stefan Evertz explains which terms, metrics and tools are relevant in social media monitoring and how to choose the right tools.

A new, insightful book from Haufe Verlag. (Image: zVg)

The use of social media is becoming increasingly professional. More and more companies are not only interested in how high their fan and follower numbers are compared to those of their competitors. They want a well-founded overview of how, where and in what tone of voice people are talking about them.

A wide range of tools is available to meet this demand. At the same time, confusion reigns: What is analytics, what is monitoring? Do I need a tool for engagement or is that a matter for community management? Stefan Evertz is a man of the trade, and in his book he provides a good overview of the current landscape of offerings as well as useful tips for tool selection and ongoing processes. Get Abstract recommends the book to all marketing professionals who want to know more about social media.

Stefan Evertz: "Analyze the Web!", Publisher: Haufe Verlag 2018/ ISBN: 9783648104040

In cooperation with getAbstract, Lucerne:Get Abstract Rating: 8
Feasibility: 10
Degree of innovation: 8
Style: 6

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