Book tip: The day after tomorrow - a journey through time to our digital future

The digital tsunami is coming - one way or another. How should we act, how should we react? Future thinker and online pioneer Jörg Eugster addresses these questions in his new book Übermorgen - Eine Zeitreise in unsere digitale Zukunft.

The year is 2030: SDCs - self-driving cars connected via a cloud - are driving everywhere on the roads. Thanks to artificial intelligence, big and smart data, there is no more tailgating, speeding and hardly any accidents. Shopping is done exclusively online, showrooms have replaced stores. Smartphones have been out for a long time. We receive information via a matrix and thus via specially equipped, highly networked rooms or devices equipped with radio chips and augmented reality and virtual reality technologies. We also use a matrix at home - for searching information, shopping, conferences, etc. The controls are voice commands - mouse and keyboard are only used in museums. School will also be different in 2030: on the one hand, knowledge will be taught at home in the matrix, and on the other hand, there will be project work in groups led by coaches. Immediate utopia or science fiction?

The digital future and its potential

We are in the midst of one of the greatest changes of mankind. The Internet of Things and the fourth industrial revolution are still buzzwords for some today, but for others their precursors are already clearly noticeable. Even if one or the other still lulls himself into a sense of security - there is no industry that will be spared from the wave of digitization. The digital tsunami is coming - one way or another. How should you act, how should you react? These are the questions that future thinker and online pioneer Jörg Eugster addresses in his new book. The day after tomorrow - A journey through time to our digital future. In contrast to many of those with reservations, however, the expert on digitization for SMEs is not stoking fear of cyborgs and artificial intelligence, but sees himself as a fear monger and digitization enthusiast who is betting on the huge potential of the digital revolution.

Desire for the digital future

Jörg Eugster not only provides valuable tips, but also answers the burning questions of our time: What skills do employees need to be successful in the future? Which jobs and which industries have a future? Why do companies need a comprehensive digital strategy for their digital transformation journey? Which digital megatrends will occupy us in the future? And he shows that politics is particularly called upon here to create the framework conditions for humans and machines to live together. After all, it wasn't just the Bundestag election campaign in Germany that showed this: The topic of digitization is one that even politicians can no longer ignore! Studies repeatedly show that Germany has a lot of catching up to do. Countries such as Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Estonia, South Korea and the USA are well ahead of us in almost all aspects of digitization. The Day After Tomorrow is not only required reading for supervisory and administrative boards, executive boards and management members of companies of all sizes, and politicians. It is an absolute must-read for everyone who wants to keep pace with digitization, recognize its opportunities, and harness its enormous potential for themselves. A book that whets the appetite for the future.

The author

Jörg Eugster is an online pioneer from the very beginning. In addition to his role as a top expert in online marketing, he is an enthusiastic ambassador for the digital future. However, unlike many worriers, the digitalization optimist does not stoke fear of cyborgs and artificial intelligence. Instead, he believes in the huge potential of the digital revolution, the power of which he brings to the world as a consultant, publicist and speaker. He is an internationally sought-after keynote speaker and lecturer at the renowned Universities of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland (Basel) and St. Gallen. With a degree in business administration and an executive MBA, he is also a management consultant, a board member in the technology and media sector, and an expert member of Club 55.

Jörg Eugster:
Day after tomorrow.
A time travel into our digital future
264 pages, hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-907100-73-8
29,00 € / 33.00 CHF
Midas Publishing House, Zurich 2017

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